
| Bibliography| Phytorem| Calender| Links|

Last Update: April 22, 1998

Information on the internet relating to phytoremediation--an innovative technology for remediating sites contaminated withhazardous substances:


Phytoremediation is an innovative technology that utilizes the natural properties of plants in engineered systems to remediate hazardous waste sites. This web page is a starting point for exploring the world wide web for information related to research in this area. Erickson, et, al. provides a brief introduction to the technology.

Phytoremediation bibliography

I thought it might be a good idea to compile a bibliography of articles related to this group. Here is a start. I've included most of the references for the work done on center project 90-13. If you'd like to add a reference to the bibliography simply reply to the phytorem mailing list. I'll update and post the file as needed.