Parts Order Form

Say how many of each part you want. The Total will be calculated automatically. To order click on the Make Purchase button.

Qty Part No Description Price Total
input name="qty1" size="3" OnBlur="CalculateTotals()" /> 11111 Albatros £ 50
input name="qty2" size="3" OnBlur="CalculateTotals()" /> 22222 Budgie £ 295
input name="qty3" size="3" OnBlur="CalculateTotals()" /> 33333 Cockatoo £ 395
input name="qty4" size="3" OnBlur="CalculateTotals()" /> 44444 Dodo £ 750
GRAND TOTAL: input name="grandtotal" size="7" OnFocus="; document.orderform.qty1.focus();" />