The Tenth Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) and the Eighth Conference of the International Society of Exposure Analysis (ISEA) will be held in Boston, MA, USA on August 15-19, 1998. These conferences are an important opportunity for joint exploration of current issues in environmental epidemiology, and follow successful joint ISEE/ISEA conferences in Chapel Hill, NC, USA (1994) and the Netherlands (1995).
For the latest information about the 1998 ISEE/ISEA Annual Meeting, see the News and Annoucements section below.
The objective of the Society is to foster and advance the science of exposure analysis related to environmental contaminants, to human populations and activities, and to ecosystems. The membership promotes communication among all disciplines involved in exposure analysis, recommends exposure analysis approaches to address substantive or methodological concerns, and attempts to strengthen the impact of exposure assessment on environmental policy.
Any individual with a professional interest in exposure analysis is eligible for membership. The Society seeks broad participation from various disciplines such as: exposure assessment, chemistry, biochemistry, biostatistics, physiology, toxicology, epidemiology, environmental engineering, ecology, wildlife management, risk assessment, and others. You are welcome to apply for membership by contacting Alan Stern for an application (E-mail: ahstern@eohsi.rutgers.edu or Tel: 609-633-2374).
The official Journal of the Society is the Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology. The Editor-in-Chief and members to the Editorial Review Board are responsible for the peer review of articles submitted to the Journal and from proceedings of the General Conference of the Society or specialty meetings.
The Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology (Edo Pellizzari, Editor-in-Chief) welcomes manuscripts dealing with measurements, modeling, instrumentation, questionnaires, studies on chemical, biological, and physical principles required to analyze human exposure from single and multiple media and routes and epidemiological investigations.
Individual copies of the journal can be obtained through the Managing Editor, Myron A. Mehlman, Princeton Scientific Publishing Co. Inc., P.O. Box 2155 Princeton, NJ 08543.
The Society also has a Newsletter (Jed Waldman, editor: , parts can be found on www.iit.edu/~butler/isea/newsletters.html) which will contain all those items of interest to members that do not require peer review: information on Council actions, activity reports for the Society committees, calls for papers in meetings the Society sponsors or co-sponsors, news about individuals or organizations, and news of interest to those involved in exposure assessment. Contributions are welcomed by the newsletter editor.
The International Society of Exposure Analysis (ISEA) Annual Meeting will be held November 2-5, 1997, at Research Triangle Park, NC. The conference is being co-sponsored by the Air & Waste Management Association and the National Exposure Reserach Laboratory of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The conference theme will address all aspects of human exposure analysis (e.g., activity patterns, measurement methods, measurements, models, exposure assessment, dosimetry and pharmacokinetics), for all significant exposure scenarios and media, and for a wide range of substances (i.e., chemical, physical, biological). The conference will be valuable to those engaged in performing, planning, or using research and development related to human exposures. The meeting will have keynote speeches, panel sessions on controversial topics, and technical sessions. Leaders in the field will be invited to participate on panels that cover such issues as: biomarkers of exposure; homogeneous occupational exposure grouping ; chemical detection methods - too much or too little?; approaches to uncertainty analysis; dust, is it more than just dirt?; endocrine disrupters. The technical sessions will consist of both platform and poster sessions.
Planned technical sessions include: Dermal Exposures; Drinking Water and Dietary Exposures; Occupational Inhalation Exposures; Nonoccupational Inhalation Exposures; Exposures Related to Mobile Sources; Multimedia Exposures (issues, needs, advances); Biomarkers of Exposure; Particulate Matter Exposures (dust, particles, biological aerosols); Age- and Gender-Specific Exposure Issues; Exposure Assessments - Its Place in Epidemiology; Microbial Exposures from Food and Water; Environmental Justice and Exposures; Dosimetry and Pharmacokinetics; National Human Exposure Assessmen Survey (NHEXAS); and Other. As indicated above, these topics are inclusive of methods, measurements, models, and assessments.
For additional information, contact Adrianne Carolla, Air and Waste Management Association, One Gateway Center, 3rd Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (Tel: 412-232-3444, ext. 3150; Fax: 412-232-3450; or E-mail: ).
Welcome to Boston in 1998!
The Tenth Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) and the Eighth Conference of the International Society of Exposure Analysis (ISEA) will be held in Boston, MA, USA on August 15-19, 1998. These conferences are an important opportunity for joint exploration of current issues in environmental epidemiology, and follow successful joint ISEE/ISEA conferences in Chapel Hill, NC, USA (1994) and the Netherlands (1995).
The ISEE/ISEA Conference in Boston offers an opportunity to discuss the latest research methods and results, and the social context of environmental health investigations in a region of the United States with substantial academic and practical experience. The proposed program will include scientific symposia, invited presentations, poster presentations and small group discussions. There will be several social events and tours of Boston landmarks.
The Conference will be held in the Park Plaza Hotel, in downtown Boston near the Public Garden and many historic sites dating from colonial American times. The Boston weather in August is typically warm and pleasant and numerous recreational activities in and around the Boston Harbor are available for conference participants and families. Ethnic and seafood restaurants abound in the downtown area, along with cultural, academic and professional sports activities within easy reach of the conference center.
As Co-Chairs of the Organizing Committee, it is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the ISEE/ISEA Conference in Boston in 1998.
Aims & Scope
The purpose of this conference is to bring together people studying environmental problems and to emphasize lessons learned about meeting community needs for information about health risks. The conference is particularly interested in attracting epidemiologists, exposure assessors, and toxicologists; federal, state, and local elected and appointed officials; industry representatives; community activists; and students. Pre-meeting sessions will be held on both the ethics and teaching of environmental epidemiology.
Connecting with the Community in Environmental Health Studies
The focus of the conference is to enhance the understanding and interpretation of environmental health studies by connecting community activists with state-of-the-art researchers and providing opportunities for dialogue and networking.
Major Topics & Symposia
The Conference will include symposia on working with communities and interested organizations to define the specific aims of research, emerging issues related to environmental endocrine and signaling pathway disruptors, and the uses of exposure assessment and environmental epidemiology at the international, national, regional and local level.
In addition to the above general topics, papers are welcome on the following topics:
Organizing Committee
ISEE Officers
ISEA Officers
For more information:
Contact Carol Rougvie, Conference Secretariat, JSI Research and Training Institute, 44 Farnsworth Street, Boston, MA 02210, USA. Phone: (617) 482-9485; Fax: (617) 482-0617; E-mail: .
ISEA Newsletter Archive.
ISEA Application.
Table of Contents for the latest issue of JEAEE.
Officers and Board Members for 1997-98, their terms, and e-mail addresses are available here.
Eco-Research Chair in Environmental Risk Management at the University of Alberta (http://www.ualberta.ca/~envrisk/erm.html)
U.S.EPA Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM) (ftp://ftp.epa.gov/epa_ceam/wwwhtml/ceam_home.html)
ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances Disease Registry) (http://atsdr1.atsdr.cdc.gov:8080/)
RIVM (Dutch National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection) (http://deimos.rivm.nl/about.html)
The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) (http://www.aiha.org.)
Environmental Protection Agency WWW Server EPA (http://www.epa.gov/)
OSHA (http://www.osha.gov)
RiskWorld (http://www.riskworld.com)
NIOSH (http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/homepage.html)
Environment Canada: National Pollutant Release Inventory (english: http://ellesmere.ccm.emr.ca/npri/clone/npri.html)
(francais: http://www.doe.ca/pdb/npri.html)
Environmental Health Perspectives (journal) (http://ehpnet1.niehs.nih.gov/)
Radiation Research (journal) (http://www.whitlock.com/kcj/science/radres/)
NOTE: This list is only a partial list of relevant links and visitors are invited to suggest additional links. You can e-mail those suggestions to (ahstern@eohsi.rutgers.edu).
(Home page set up and edited for hypertext by Jason Consorti.)