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action aldrin alpha anthracene aromatic aromatics arsenic atrazin barium benzene benzo beta cadmium carbaryl carbofuran catechin chlorinated chlorobenzol chloronapthy chlorophenol chromium chrysene cobalt combined complexed copper cresol cyanides cyclohexanon dichlorobenz dichloroetha dichlorometh dichlorophen dieldrin dutchlist endrin ethylbenzene fluoranthren fluoroanthre free

gamma groundwater hexachlorobe hydrocarbons hydrochinon indenol

maneb mercury metals mineral miscellaneou molybdenum monochlorobe monochloroph naphtalene nickel optimum parameter pentachlorob pentachlorop perylene pesticides phenanthrene phenol phthalate polychlorobi polycyclic pyran pyrene pyridine resorein

soil styrene tetrachlorob tetrachloroe tetrachlorom tetrachlorop tetrahydrofu tetrahydroth thiocyanate toluene trichloroben trichloroeth trichloromet trichlorophe vinylchlorid weight xylene zinc

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