Element Commodities

Moroccan Concessions Summary Sheet

Name - Jbel Metsilla

Concession numbers - 220471

Concession size

  1. 4 km (North / South)
  2. 4 km (East / West)
  3. Total area = 16 sq km



  1. Manganese
  2. Lead and Barite (minor)



  1. in Google (Maps / Satellite / Earth)
  2. Topographical Map name - Oujda (1:100,000)
  3. Coordinates for Concession No 220471
    1. Lambert Maroc Nord (X) : (Y) = 816399.39 : 445699.40 / 816399.39 : 441699.40 / 812399.39 : 441699.40 / 812399.39 : 445699.40
    2. Latitude (North) : Longitude (West) = 34.566825 : 1.951176 / 34.530780 : 1.952616 / 34.531964 : 1.996168 / 34.568009 : 1.994746


Reports provided by the ONHYM

  1. Geologie des gites et indices de manganese dans le Maroc oriental (pays des Horsts), Notes Serv geol Maroc t 27 no 198, 1966 Ch Bauchau, G Jouravsky, G Pouit, J-P Snoep
  2. Notes + M Serv geol Maroc no 276 (1) Chapitre 3, p 122-124, Manganese, 1980, G. Pouit
  3. V/O Technoexport - Resultats de l'etude geologique et recommandation sur l'orientation des travaux de rechercheres sur les possibilities en Manganese du Maroc, 1977, r 5-18, V. Rakhmanov, V. Chenguelia
  4. Notes sur les Gites de Manganese du Maroc N.E., 1960 B.R.P.M


Current Status of area



  1. Date visited - 28th October 2011 Paul Barty, Gerry Vega and Zardane Abdul Aziz
  2. Ranking - [14 /30]
    1. Open-pit potential (4 / 10)
    2. Mineralisation (3 / 10)
    3. Road Access (7 / 10)


Future Work Planned

  1. Ground truthing data seen in ONHYM reports
  2. Field mapping to search for extentions to mineralisation
  3. Assessing geological model


ONHYM summary of Manganese potential (2011)

The manganese showing at Jbel Metsila is located about ten kilometers south of Oujda. It occurs in the form of nodules and lenses of manganese oxide and iron that are hosted in the red clays of the Permo-Triassic. The outcrop appears to have a width of over 600m and extend about 15 km, hidden by Neogene cover.


ONHYM summary of Manganese resource and grade

  1. Manganese :
  2. Historical resource -


Copyright Layla Resources Ltd ? 2012
