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"Silicon Surf - has the Sand hit the Fan ?"

Micky Allen

An updated copy of the paper together with

Presentation Outline

Slide sequence

Slide 1 - ? The Internet - is it "just a toy"
Slide 2 - ? History of the Internet
Slide 3 - ? What's on the Internet
Slide 4 - ? Main services available on the Internet
Slide 5 - ? Electronic mail
Slide 6 - ? Newsgroups / Mailing Lists
Slide 7 - ? The World Wide Web
Slide 8 - ? Sources of GIS information on the Internet
Slide 9 - ? Locating information without using the WWW
Slide 10 - GIS Mailing Lists / Newsgroups on the Internet
Slide 11 - Realtime GIS on the Internet
Slide 12 - City of Houston real-time Traffic guide / traffic.html
Slide 13 - The AGI Website
Slide 14 - The AGI Environmental SIG pages
Slide 15 - Conclusion

The Internet - is it "just a toy"

History of the Internet

What's on the Internet

Main services available on the Internet

  1. FTP (file transfer)

  2. Telnet (remote login)

  3. Gopher (heirarchical searching)

  4. Email (electronic mail)

  5. Newsgroups (interactive discussion groups)

  6. World Wide Web (WWW or "the Web")

The last three (items 4,5,6) now the most used by "surfers" on the Internet

Electronic mail

Newsgroups / Mailing Lists

Usenet/Newsgroup - "bulletin board"

Mailing List - "letters to the editor"

The World Wide Web

Simple mark-up language (HTML) used to lay-out pages

Huge database of interconnected webpages

Webpage - collection of hyperlinks set within a page of text and graphics

Pages with images can often be very slow to download!

Dial-up users often browse the Web with images turned off

Netscape (80% of Market) - "Plug-ins" (Shockwave, VRML, Real Audio)

Browser compatability - HTML-1, HTML-2, HTML-3, (blink), (center)


Sources of GIS information on the Internet

WWW - like gigantic on-line library, but index catalogue out of date!

Various search "engines" catalogue webpages - Two main types

a) Human intervention e.g. Yahoo!
b) Robotic web crawlers e.g. AltaVista

Yahoo -uses team of reviewers to classify site

AltaVista - sends out a robot to sequentially work through the Internet

Locating information without using the WWW

Newsgroup often has corresponding Mailing List

e.g. main GIS newsgroup called "comp.infosystems.gis" -
corresponding mailing list called

GIS Mailing Lists / Newsgroups on the Internet


Realtime GIS on the Internet

"Screencams" - live camera feed over the Internet

Real time GIS - processed data accessed using simple web browser

The AGI Website

Hosted at Edinburgh University - on display here at AGI-96

The AGI Environmental SIG pages

Mailing list - fairly easy to setup (low cost software)

Software can automate many tasks

But human intervention needed - deal with subscribers problems

Easiest option - set up SIG discussion group via the medium of Webpages

Environmental SIG pages


Internet will dramatically alter the way we work

Automates tasks - will affect semi-skilled clerical workers

Vast opportunities to provide GIS services that now are too expensive

$64,000 question - how will people make money from it ?

Redefinition of the term GIS -

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