From the Makers of

You read the Website, bought the CD (the massed band of the Cat D 9's), saw the Video down in Soho (well it was about cleaning up dirty sites) and are even contemplating buying the Tee shirt !!!
Well until you do

Happy Christmas!

Stuff the Turkey (and stuff the "Happy Holidays" - it's called "CHRISTMAS" !)

To be sung with gusto, whilst eating brandy-sodden, flaming Christmas Pudding !!

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

Twelve Drummers Drumming

                  .-}        .-}        .-}
                  |_|        |_|        |_|
                  (_)        (_)  __    (_) .---.
                  | \ .--.   | \.'  '.  | \/     \
                  |\_|--o )  |\_|--o  ; |\_|--o   |
                  |:| '--'   |:|'.__.'  |:|\     /
                  |:|        |:|        |:| `---`
                  |:|_       |:|_       |:|_

        .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.
        |M|   |E|   |R|   |R|   |Y|   |X|   |M|   |A|   |S|
        (_)   (_)   (_)   (_)   (_)   (_)   (_)   (_)   (_)
       /\Y/\ /\Y/\ /\Y/\ /\Y/\ /\Y/\ /\Y/\ /\Y/\ /\Y/\ /\Y/\
       [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX] [XXX]
        |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||
        |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||
       _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_

Eleven Pipers Piping
    _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _     _
  ,/_)  ,/_)  ,/_)  ,/_)  ,/_)  ,/_)  ,/_)  ,/_)  ,/_)  ,/_)  ,/_)
   (")   (")   (")   (")   (")   (")   (")   (")   (")   (")   (")
   /I\   /I\   /I\   /I\   /I\   /I\   /I\   /I\   /I\   /I\   /I\
  (/^\) (/^\) (/^\) (/^\) (/^\) (/^\) (/^\) (/^\) (/^\) (/^\) (/^\)
   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||
   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||   |||
  _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_ _|||_

Ten Lords A-Leaping

                              w              w
               w              0__           \0__
              \0__     w     /|_     w      /_
              /_     __0/  '\/ /    \0_  '\/ /    w
           '\/ /      /_       `    /_       `  __0/
               `   `\/  \,         _\ \,         /_
                w                 `           `\/  \,
               \0__      w                 w
               /_        0__       w      \0__
              _\ \,     /|_      __0/      |_
             `        `\/  \,     /_      _\ \,
                               `\/ /,    `

Nine Ladies Dancing

                     ()                       ()      0` |~
             ()    _/)(\_           ()      _/)(\_      0`
           _/)(\_   /^^\    ()    _/)(\_     /""\
            /~~\   /____\ _/)(\_   /``\     /____\
           /____\          /""\   /____\   ()
                   ()     /____\         _/)(\_      ()
         |~      _/)(\_           ()      /^^\     _/)(\_
        0` |~     /``\          _/)(\_   /____\     /~~\
          0`     /____\          /~~\              /____\

Eight Maids A-Milking

          __.----.       __.----.        __.----.        __.----.___
(\(__)/)-'     (\(__)/)-'      (\(__)/)-'      (\(__)/)-'        ;--`
 `(uu)'      _  `(dd)'       _  `(gg)'       _  `(vv)'       _   |
  )  (      (|)  )  (       (|)  )  (       (|)  )  (       (|)  |
 (o  o)     8~8 (o  o)      8~8 (o  o)      8~8 (o  o)      8~8 ,/
  `--'\_    (__).`--'\_    (__).'`--'\_    (__).'`--'\_    _(__)|
       `|||~~/\||     `|||~~/\||      `|||~~/\||      `||~|| /\||
          __.----.       __.----.        __.----.       __.----.___
(\(__)/)-'      (\(__)/)-'     (\(__)/)-'     (\(__)/)-'        ;--`
 `(99)'       _  `(66)'      _  `(aa)'      _  `(ee)'        _  |
  )  (       (|)  )  (      (|)  )  (      (|)  )  (        (|) |
 (o  o)      8~8 (o  o)     8~8 (o  o)     8~8 (o  o)       8~8,/
  `--'\_    (__).'`--'\_    (__).`--'\_    (__).`--'\_    _(__)|
       `|||~~/\||      `|||~~/\||     `|||~~/\||     `||~|| /\||

Seven swans A-Swimming

       ___     ___     ___     ___     ___     ___     ___
      /,_ \   /,_ \   /,_ \   /,_ \   /,_ \   /,_ \   /,_ \    _,
      |/ )/   |/ )/   |/ )/   |/ )/   |/ )/   |/ )/   |/ )/   / |
        //  _/ |//  _/  //  _/  //  _/  //  _/  //  _/  //  _/  |
       / (_/   / (_/   / (_/   / (_/   / (_/   / (_/   / (_/   _)
      /   `   /   `   /   `   /   `   /   `   /   `   /   `   _/)
      \  ~=-  \  ~=-  \  ~=-  \  ~=-  \  ~=-  \  ~=-  \  ~=-   /

Six Geese A-Laying
    __         __         __         __         __         __
  >(' )      >(' )      >(' )      >(' )      >(' )      >(' )
    )/   ,     )/   ,     )/   ,     )/   ,     )/   ,     )/   ,
   /(____/\   /(____/\   /(____/\   /(____/\   /(____/\   /(____/\
  /        ) /        ) /        ) /        ) /        ) /        )
  \ `  =~~/  \ `  =~~/  \ `  =~~/  \ `  =~~/  \ `  =~~/  \ `  =~~/
   `---Y-' __ `---Y-' __ `---Y-' __ `---Y-' __ `---Y-' __ `---Y-' __
      ~~' (__)   ~~' (__)   ~~' (__)   ~~' (__)   ~~' (__)   ~~' (__)

Five Golden Rings

                    .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.   .-.
                   ((_)) ((_)) ((_)) ((_)) ((_))
                    '-'   '-'   '-'   '-'   '-'

Four Calling Birds

                 ___       ___       ___       ___
                ('v')     ('v')     ('v')     ('v')
               ((   ))   ((   ))   ((   ))   ((   ))

Three French Hens

                    (\  }\   (\  }\   (\  }\
                   (  \_('> (  \_('> (  \_('>
                   (__(=_)  (__(=_)  (__(=_)
                      -"=      -"=      -"=

Two Turtle Doves
                           _      _
                          <')_,/ <') ,/
                          (_==/  (_==/
                           ='-    ='-

And a Partridge in a Pear Tree

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