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Jobs + Careers - CV's

The full Website (over 210 pages) on a floppy disk for under £ 20

Keywords :- Upload your CV to the Website,
'CV Warehouse'

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Upload your CV to the Website

CV Warehouse

Upload your CV to the Website

If you are about to graduate, or else are looking for some
vacation work, we would be very happy to host a one page
CV on your behalf.

The procedure is as follows :-

  1. Open your text editor e.g. Notepad (if you are using Windows)

  2. Go to the CV template page, to get a feel of how webpages are formatted in HTML code.

  3. Whilst there make a copy for the clipboard of the Model CV template page (first use "View", "Source", on the top menu bar of Netscape to show the HTML codes, and then highlight the text between TOP-CUT and BOTTOM-CUT, and copy it using "Ctrl C")

  4. Switch to your text editor and paste the CV template into it, using "Ctrl V")

  5. Type in your own details, and when you are finished save it as an ASCII file (i.e. a "txt" file)

  6. And finally make a copy of your CV for the clipboard ("Ctrl C")

  7. You can now send it to us as an Email, by either (a) using Netscape - by going back to the CV template page and clicking on "send your CV", or else (b) using a standalone mail programme such as Eudora or Pegasus.

  8. Having written a brief Email message all you need to do now is include a copy of your CV, either by pasting it into the body of the message, or by including it as an attachment.

  9. Go and have a coffee - you deserve it !

CV Warehouse

Once you have written your CV and sent it to us (and in returned received a free copy of the Website on disk we will be very happy to host the CV for you.

Each CV in the 'CV Warehouse' has a unique Email address. Should anyone wish to contact you, all they have to do, is to use the email address given at the base of your CV, and their message will be forwarded onto you.

There are four main classes of CV currently held on the site.

  1. PhD candidates and University staff

  2. Postgraduates (MSc, MA etc)

  3. Graduates (BSc, BA, HND etc)

  4. University of Life !

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