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Conferences, Exhibitions etc (2001)

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Conferences, Exhibitions etc (January - December 2001) ? >

January - March 2001

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  1. 9-11th January 2001
    Natural attenuation - restoration of contaminated land + groundwater
    Sheffield University, Sheffield
    Tel (0114) 222 5725

  2. 1st February 2001
    Developing business opportunities in the green economy
    Environment Industries Commission, London
    Tel (020) 7935 1675
    [Fax 020 7486 3455]

  3. 5th February 2001
    Sustainable development professionals - who needs them?
    IEMA, London
    Tel (01522) 540 069
    [Fax 01522 540 090]

  4. 15th February 2001
    Contaminated land + brownfield sites - dealing with part 2a
    DLA Advance, London
    Tel (0161) 235 4228

  5. 21st February 2001
    UK Bioenergy conference
    British BioGen, Cambridge
    Tel (020) 7831 7222

  6. 14th March 2001
    Oil in the environment
    EA/Iop, Merseyside
    Tel (0151) 342 1636

  7. 26-28th March 2001
    Mine water pollution
    Sheffield University, Sheffield
    Tel (0114) 222 5725

  8. 27-28th March 2001
    Digital Mapping Show
    Excell Exhibitions, Harrogate
    Tel (01883) 652 530
    [Fax 01883 653 456]


April - June 2001




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  1. 4-5th April 2001
    International Clean-up Exhibition
    GMEX, Manchester
    Tel (0121) 434 3337
    [Fax 0121 434 3338]

  2. 9th April 2001
    Dealing with the asbestos menace in buildings
    Construction study centre, London
    Tel (0121) 434 3337
    [Fax 0121 434 3338]

  3. 18-20th April 2001
    GISRUC, Glamorgan

  4. 23-28th April 2001
    World fair for energy management + technology
    Hannover Messe, Hannover
    Tel (020) 8688 9541
    [Fax 020 8681 0069]

  5. 14th May 2001
    Subsidence - causes, diagnosis, repair, disputes
    Construction study centre, Birmingham
    Tel (0121) 434 3337
    [Fax 0121 434 3338]

  6. 15th May 2001
    IPPC update 2001
    IChemE environmental protection sub-group, London
    Tel (01788) 578 214
    [Fax 01788 534 407]

  7. 4-7th June 2001
    In-situ and On-site Bioremediation
    Conference Group, San Diego

  8. 5-7th June 2001
    ET Partnership, Birmingham
    Tel (020) 8651 7100
    [Fax 020 8651 7117]

  9. 7th June 2001
    Antifouling coatings in our water environment
    CIWEM, London
    Tel (01733) 311 644
    [Fax 01733 312 782]

  10. 12-15th June 2001
    IWM conference + exhibition
    Institute of Wastes Management, Paignton
    Tel (01604) 620 426
    [Fax 01604 604 467]

  11. 13-14th June 2001
    Dangerous goods update seminar
    Pira, Leeds
    Tel (01372) 802 105
    [Fax 01372 802 243]

  12. 21st June 2001
    Brownfield + Contaminated land - from liability to asset
    Construction study centre, Birmingham
    Tel (0121) 434 3337
    [Fax 0121 434 3338]


July - September 2001






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  1. 2-4th July 2001
    Incineration 2001
    IChemE, Brussels
    Tel (01788) 578 214
    [Fax 01788 534 407]

  2. 4th July 2001
    Contaminated Land seminar
    ALcontrol Geochem, Chester
    Tel (01244) 671 121
    [Fax 01244 683 306]

  3. 6th July 2001
    Biotechnology for Industry
    Biowise, London
    Tel (0800) 432 100
    [Fax 01235 432 997]

  4. 6-8th July 2001
    Intersolar 2001
    Freiburg, Germany

  5. 11th July 2001
    Management of financial risk for Contaminated Land
    CIRIA, London
    Tel (020) 7222 8891
    [Fax 020 7222 1708]

  6. 13th July 2001
    National Land Use Database - the next steps?
    NLUD, Birmingham
    Tel (020) 7944 5525
    [Fax 020 7944 5519]

  7. 1-2nd August 2001
    Environmental Legislation update 2001
    Commercial Seminars, Midlands
    Tel (01572) 757 751

  8. 14-17th August 2001
    Petroleum contaminated soils sediments + water
    Association for Environmental Health + Sciences, London
    Tel +1 413 549 5170
    [Fax +1 413 549 0579]

  9. 20-21st August 2001
    Confidence in chemicals + the toxic debate
    IQPC, London
    Tel (020) 7368 9300
    [Fax 020 7368 9301]

  10. 27-31st August 2001
    Advances + applications of Chromatography in industry
    Bratislava, Slovak Republic
    Tel +421 (7) 5292 6043

  11. 4th September 2001
    Management of financial risk for Contaminated Land
    CIRIA, Edinburgh
    Tel (020) 7222 8891
    [Fax 020 7222 1708]

  12. 4-7th September 2001
    Eco-Tech Scandinavia
    Goteborg, Sweden
    Tel +46 (31) 708 8000
    [Fax +46 31 160 330]

  13. 9-12th September 2001
    British Mass Spectrometry Society meeting
    Southampton University, Southampton
    Tel (023) 8059 3320
    [Fax 023 8059 7641]

  14. 10-12th September 2001
    Chartered Institute of Environmental Health conference
    Bournemouth International Centre, Bournemouth
    Tel (020) 7827 5859
    [Fax 020 7827 5868]

  15. 11-13th September 2001
    Recycling + Waste Management
    NEC, Birmingham
    Tel (0870) 429 4408

  16. 13th September 2001
    Environment Management Forum
    Gee Publishing, London
    Tel (020) 7393 7012
    [Fax 0800 138 1414]

  17. 15-20th September 2001
    Chromatography symposium
    Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Leipzig
    Tel +49 (69) 7917 358
    [Fax +49 69 7917 475]

  18. 17-19th September 2001
    Inverse Gas Chromatography conference
    Imperial College, London
    Tel (020) 7594 5611
    [Fax 020 7594 5604]

  19. 18-20th September 2001
    GIS 2001
    Association for Geographic Information, London
    Tel (020) 7334 3746
    [Fax 020 7334 3791]

  20. 19-21th September 2001
    Hinte Messe, Cologne
    Tel +49 (0) 2241 308 120

  21. 23-27th September 2001
    Chemical Engineering world congress
    ACHEMA, Melbourne
    Tel +61 (03) 9819 3700

  22. 27th September 2001
    Brownfield Sites in the 21st Century
    Aston University, Birmingham
    Tel (0121) 359 3611 ext 4585
    [Fax 0121 333 3389]


October - December 2001



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  1. 1-2nd October 2001
    Delivering Kyoto - could Europe do it
    Royal Institute of International Affairs, London
    Tel (020) 7957 5754
    [Fax 020 7957 5710]

  2. 2-5th October 2001
    Okotec 2001
    Hungexpo, Budapest
    Tel +36 (01) 263 6093
    [Fax +36 (01) 263 6092]

  3. 10th October 2001
    ENVEC 2001
    Tel (01454) 281 607

  4. 24-25th October 2001
    Groundwater risk assessment
    Environmental Simulations International, Shrewsbury
    Tel (01743) 280 020
    [Fax 01743 248 600]

  5. 4-7th December 2001
    Pollutec 2001
    Reed exhibitions, Paris
    Tel +33 (01) 47 56 21 12
    [Fax +33 (01) 47 56 21 20]

Links for this Topic

Daughter links
  1. Conferences, Exhibitions etc (Archives 1998)
  2. Conferences, Exhibitions etc (April - September 1999)
  3. Conferences, Exhibitions etc (October - December 1999)
  4. Conferences, Exhibitions etc (January - March 2000)
  5. Conferences, Exhibitions etc (July - December 2000)
  6. Conferences, Exhibitions etc (April - June 2000)
Cousin links
  1. Ask a Guru
  2. Case Studies
  3. Causes of Contamination
  4. Environmental Publications
  5. Environmental Links on the Web
  6. Government Guidance
  7. Householders Guide to Contamination
  8. Jobs + Careers
  9. Legislation + Regulation
  10. Mailing Lists
  11. Professional Expertise
  12. Risk Assessment Techniques
  13. Romeo, romeo!, wherefore art thou....
  14. Search the Site for....?
  15. Section 143
  16. Serendipity
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  18. Standards + Guidelines
  19. Table of Contents
  20. Tips + Tricks
  21. Training + Courses
  22. Who's who at

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