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July - September 2000






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  1. 11th July 2000
    Assessing the Impact of Environmental Law on Development Projects
    RICS, London
    Tel (0121) 434 3337
    [Fax 0121 434 3338]


  2. 18th July 2000
    Contaminated Land Meets Groundwater
    University of Birmingham, Edgbaston
    Tel (0121) 414 3957
    [Fax 0121 414 4942]


  3. 13th - 16th August 2000
    5th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control
    Cairns, Australia
    Tel + 61 2 9490 8790
    [Fax + 61 2 9490 8909]


  4. 31st August - 1st September 2000
    Non Human Risks Associated with Contaminated Land
    Warwick University
    Tel (01234) 391 973
    [Fax 01234 391 090]


  5. 11th - 12th September 2000
    European Environment Conference
    LSE, London
    Tel (01274) 530 408
    [Fax 01274 530 409]


  6. 11th - 12th September 2000
    European Environment Solutions 2000
    Marriott Hotel, London
    Tel (020) 7779 8151

  7. 12th - 14th September 2000
    Recycling + Waste Management Exhibition
    NEC, Birmingham
    Tel (0970) 7511 526

  8. 12th - 14th September 2000
    Environmental Contamination in Central + Eastern Europe
    Prague, Czech Republic


  9. 14th - 16th September 2000
    International Conference on Cities in the New Millennium
    Civic Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne
    Tel (0191) 216 0569
    [Fax 0191 216 0568]


  10. 14th - 19th September 2000
    4th Euroconference on Environmental Analytical Chemistry
    Visegrad, Hungary
    Tel +336 1 209 6001


  11. 18th - 20th September 2000
    Coastal Environment 2000
    Las Palmas, Canary Islands
    Tel (0238) 029 3223
    [Fax 0238 029 2853]


  12. 20th September 2000
    The National Challenge - Implementing the Landfill Directive
    Institution of Civil Engineers, London
    Tel (020) 7824 8882
    [Fax 020 7824 8753]

  13. 20th September 2000
    Biosensors in Industry
    Tel (0800) 432 100
    [Fax 01235 432 997]

  14. 20th - 22nd September 2000
    Oil Spill 2000
    Las Palmas, Canary Islands
    Tel (0238) 029 3223
    [Fax 0238 029 2853]


  15. 26th September 2000
    Health + Safety - implementing Government's strategy
    Royal Overseas League, London
    Tel (01422) 845 584
    [Fax 01422 845 880]


  16. 26th - 28th September 2000
    GIS 2000 in association with the AGI Conference
    Earls Court, London
    Tel (020) 8987 7584
    [Fax 020 8742 5182]



October - December 2000





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  1. 2nd October 2000
    Indo-British Forum, Energy + the Environment
    Army + Navy Club, London
    Tel (01672) 870 733

  2. 9th - 10th October 2000
    Implementation of in-situ remediation techniques
    Utrecht, The Netherlands
    Tel +31 317 482 023
    [Fax +31 317 482 108]


  3. 11th - 13th October 2000
    Risk 2000
    Las Palmas, Canary Islands
    Tel (0238) 029 3223
    [Fax 0238 029 2853]


  4. 17th October 2000
    EMF 2000
    Olympia, London
    Tel (020) 7393 7597

  5. 17th - 18th October 2000
    PCS 2000 - Property Computing Show
    Barbican, London
    Tel (01273) 836 800
    [Fax 01273 836 801]


  6. 17th - 18th October 2000
    Land Regeneration Expo
    Fairfield Halls, Croydon
    Tel (0121) 604 1996
    [Fax 0121 693 8448]


  7. 17th - 20th October 2000
    Pollutec 2000
    Lyon Eurexpo, France
    Tel (020) 8440 1056
    [Fax 020 8440 4056]

  8. 18th October 2000
    Contaminated Land Roadshow
    Marriot Hotel, Coventry
    Tel (020) 7695 1600
    [Fax 020 7334 3797]

  9. 23rd - 26th October 2000
    2000 International Environment + Renewable Energy Exhibition + Symposium
    Beijing, P.R. China
    Tel +86 10 6515 5027
    [Fax +86 10 6515 8442]

  10. 24th October 2000
    Contaminated Land Roadshow
    Swallow Royal Hotel, Bristol
    Tel (020) 7695 1600
    [Fax 020 7334 3797]

  11. 24th October 2000
    Asbestos Roadshow
    RICS, London
    Tel (020) 7695 1600
    [Fax 020 7334 3797]

  12. 24th - 25th October 2000
    LARAC Conference 2000 - Challenging Recycling
    Tel (020) 8692 5050
    [Fax 020 8692 5155]

  13. 24th - 27th October 2000
    EurolabAutomation 2000
    Tel (01865) 723 885


  14. 24th - 27th October 2000
    Brno, Czech Republic
    Tel +420 5 41 15 28 80
    [Fax +420 5 41 15 29 92]


  15. 26th October 2000
    Asbestos Roadshow
    Thistle Hotel, Exeter
    Tel (020) 7695 1600
    [Fax 020 7334 3797]

  16. 31st October 2000
    Asbestos Roadshow
    Thistle Hotel, Bristol
    Tel (020) 7695 1600
    [Fax 020 7334 3797]

  17. 1st November 2000
    Contaminated Land Roadshow
    RICS, London
    Tel (020) 7695 1600
    [Fax 020 7334 3797]

  18. 1st - 2nd November 2000
    Nemex 2000
    NEC, Birmingham
    Tel (020) 7772 8300
    [Fax 020 7772 8599]


  19. 8th November 2000
    Contaminated Land Roadshow
    Marriot Hotel, Leeds
    Tel (020) 7695 1600
    [Fax 020 7334 3797]

  20. 8th November 2000
    Asbestos Roadshow
    Thistle Hotel, Manchester
    Tel (020) 7695 1600
    [Fax 020 7334 3797]

  21. 14th November 2000
    Asbestos Roadshow
    Thistle Hotel, Edgbaston
    Tel (020) 7695 1600
    [Fax 020 7334 3797]

  22. 21st - 23rd November 2000
    Vienna, Austria
    Tel +33 4 736 44 336
    [Fax +33 4 736 44 337]

Links for this Topic

Daughter links
  1. Conferences, Exhibitions etc (Archives 1998)
  2. Conferences, Exhibitions etc (April - September 1999)
  3. Conferences, Exhibitions etc (October - December 1999)
  4. Conferences, Exhibitions etc (January - March 2000)
  5. Conferences, Exhibitions etc (April - June 2000)

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  1. Ask a Guru
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  4. Environmental Publications
  5. Environmental Links on the Web
  6. Government Guidance
  7. Householders Guide to Contamination
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  15. Section 143
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  19. Table of Contents
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  22. Who's who at www.ContaminatedLAND.co.uk

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[Page created: 11th Nov 65, Last Update: 13th October 2000]
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