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April - June 1999





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  1. 18th May 1999
    Current Issues in Ecotoxicology and Ecological Risk
    Society of Chemical Industry, London.
    Tel (0171) 235 3681 ext 364

  2. 8th - 10th June 1999
    ET 99
    NEC, Birmingham
    Tel (01203) 426 435
    [Fax 0181 910 7989]


  3. 10th June 1999 (morning)
    Effectively Managing + Remediating Contaminated Land
    Seminar 5 at 'ET99'
    NEC, Birmingham
    Tel (0171) 453 5496
    [Fax 0171 636 6858]


  4. 10th June 1999
    Contaminated Land in Scotland
    The Balmoral Hotel, Edinburgh.
    Tel (0171) 453 5496
    [Fax 0171 636 6858]


  5. 15th - 17th June 1999
    Solicitors + Legal Office Exhibition
    The Barbican, London.
    Tel (07000) 763 896
    [Fax 0181 974 5188]

  6. 15th - 17th June 1999
    Landscape 99
    Olympia, London
    Tel (0171) 370 8908
    [Fax 0181 974 5188]


  7. 16th June 1999
    Risk a common currency
    Society of Chemical Industry, London
    Tel (0171) 235 3681


  8. 16th June 1999
    Recent Advances in Contaminated Land
    Institution of Structural Engineers, London
    Tel (0171) 235 4535


  9. 21st - 22nd June 1999
    Pan-European Environmental Telematics Workshop
    Gesundheitshaus, Munich


  10. 22nd - 23rd June 1999
    Land Regeneration Expo
    Civic Centre, Barras Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne
    Tel (0191) 232 8520


  11. 24th - 25th June 1999
    Capitalising on Business Opportunities from Brownfield
    Site Development

    The Chelsea, London.


July - September 1999





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  1. 5th July 1999
    10th Contaminated Land Conference
    Royal Marsden NHS Trust, London.
    Tel (0171) 453 5496
    [Fax 0171 636 6858]


  2. 6th July 1999
    Remediation Technologies + Strategies Workshop
    Royal Marsden NHS Trust, London.
    Tel (0171) 453 5496
    [Fax 0171 636 6858]


  3. 7th - 9th July 1999
    Heavy Metals in the Environment and Electromigration Applied to Soil Remediation
    TU, Denmark


  4. 4th August 1999
    Environmental Law, Update Conference
    Tel (01572) 757 751
    [Fax 01572 757 752]

  5. 24th August 1999
    Current Trends in Laboratory Accreditation in Environmental Analysis
    Tel (01904) 462 387
    [Fax 01904 462 111]
    Central Science Laboratory, York

  6. 6th - 9th September 1999
    Environmental + Engineering Geophysics
    Budapest, Hungary
    Tel (+36) 1 383 6533
    [Fax (+36) 1 201 9815]

  7. 6th - 10th September 1999
    Integrated Global Water Management Conference

  8. 7th September 1999
    Environmental Technology Forum
    University of Lincolnshire + Humberside
    Tel (0181) 682 2442


  9. 9th September 1999
    Groundwater Research seminar
    Groundwater Protection and Restoration Group, University of Sheffield
    Tel (0114) 222 5746
    [Fax 0114 222 5700]


  10. 13th - 17th September 1999
    Mine Waste Disposal, Mine Closure + Restoration
    Seville, Spain
    Tel (+34) 91 622 1078
    [Fax (+34) 91 622 1983]

  11. 15th September 1999
    Finite Element Analysis and Geotechnical Engineering


  12. 15th - 17th September 1999
    Contaminant Transport Modelling
    Tel (01743) 369 504
    [Fax 01743 248 600]

  13. 17th September 1999
    Environmental Services Association Conference
    Institute of Civil Engineers, London
    Tel (0171) 824 8882
    [Fax 0171 824 8753]

  14. 20th - 24th September 1999
    Introduction course in Geostatistics
    Ecole des Mines, Fontainebleau


  15. 21st - 24th September 1999
    Pollutec 99
    Tel (0171) 221 3660
    [Fax 0171 792 3535]
    Paris-Nord Villepinte, France


  16. 22nd September 1999
    Brownfield + Contaminated Land
    RICS, London
    Tel (0121) 434 3337
    [Fax 0121 44 3338]


  17. 22nd - 23th September 1999
    Land Regeneration Expo
    City Hall, Cardiff
    Tel (0121) 604 1996
    [Fax 0121 693 8448]


  18. 28th - 30th September 1999
    GIS '99 and AGI Conference
    Olympia, London
    Tel (0181) 987 7584
    [Fax 0181 742 3182]


  19. 30th September - 1st October 1999
    Natural Radiation and NORM
    Cumberland Hotel, London.
    Tel (0171) 637 4383
    [Fax 0171 631 3214]


Links for this Topic

Daughter links
  1. Conferences, Exhibitions etc (Archives 1998)
  2. Conferences, Exhibitions etc (October - December 1999)
  3. Conferences, Exhibitions etc (January - December 2000)

Cousin link

  1. Ask a Guru
  2. Case Studies
  3. Causes of Contamination
  4. Environmental Publications
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  22. Who's who at www.ContaminatedLAND.co.uk

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