April - June 1999
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- 18th May 1999
Current Issues in Ecotoxicology and Ecological Risk
Society of Chemical Industry, London.
Tel (0171) 235 3681 ext 364
- 8th - 10th June 1999
ET 99
NEC, Birmingham
Tel (01203) 426 435
[Fax 0181 910 7989]
- 10th June 1999 (morning)
Effectively Managing + Remediating Contaminated Land
Seminar 5 at 'ET99'
NEC, Birmingham
Tel (0171) 453 5496
[Fax 0171 636 6858]
- 10th June 1999
Contaminated Land in Scotland
The Balmoral Hotel, Edinburgh.
Tel (0171) 453 5496
[Fax 0171 636 6858]
- 15th - 17th June 1999
Solicitors + Legal Office Exhibition
The Barbican, London.
Tel (07000) 763 896
[Fax 0181 974 5188]
- 15th - 17th June 1999
Landscape 99
Olympia, London
Tel (0171) 370 8908
[Fax 0181 974 5188]
- 16th June 1999
Risk a common currency
Society of Chemical Industry, London
Tel (0171) 235 3681
- 16th June 1999
Recent Advances in Contaminated Land
Institution of Structural Engineers, London
Tel (0171) 235 4535
- 21st - 22nd June 1999
Pan-European Environmental Telematics Workshop
Gesundheitshaus, Munich
- 22nd - 23rd June 1999
Land Regeneration Expo
Civic Centre, Barras Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne
Tel (0191) 232 8520
- 24th - 25th June 1999
Capitalising on Business Opportunities from Brownfield
Site Development
The Chelsea, London.
July - September 1999
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- 5th July 1999
10th Contaminated Land Conference
Royal Marsden NHS Trust, London.
Tel (0171) 453 5496
[Fax 0171 636 6858]
- 6th July 1999
Remediation Technologies + Strategies Workshop
Royal Marsden NHS Trust, London.
Tel (0171) 453 5496
[Fax 0171 636 6858]
- 7th - 9th July 1999
Heavy Metals in the Environment and Electromigration Applied to Soil Remediation
TU, Denmark
- 4th August 1999
Environmental Law, Update Conference
Tel (01572) 757 751
[Fax 01572 757 752]
- 24th August 1999
Current Trends in Laboratory Accreditation in Environmental Analysis
Tel (01904) 462 387
[Fax 01904 462 111]
Central Science Laboratory, York
- 6th - 9th September 1999
Environmental + Engineering Geophysics
Budapest, Hungary
Tel (+36) 1 383 6533
[Fax (+36) 1 201 9815]
- 6th - 10th September 1999
Integrated Global Water Management Conference
- 7th September 1999
Environmental Technology Forum
University of Lincolnshire + Humberside
Tel (0181) 682 2442
- 9th September 1999
Groundwater Research seminar
Groundwater Protection and Restoration Group, University of Sheffield
Tel (0114) 222 5746
[Fax 0114 222 5700]
- 13th - 17th September 1999
Mine Waste Disposal, Mine Closure + Restoration
Seville, Spain
Tel (+34) 91 622 1078
[Fax (+34) 91 622 1983]
- 15th September 1999
Finite Element Analysis and Geotechnical Engineering
- 15th - 17th September 1999
Contaminant Transport Modelling
Tel (01743) 369 504
[Fax 01743 248 600]
- 17th September 1999
Environmental Services Association Conference
Institute of Civil Engineers, London
Tel (0171) 824 8882
[Fax 0171 824 8753]
- 20th - 24th September 1999
Introduction course in Geostatistics
Ecole des Mines, Fontainebleau
- 21st - 24th September 1999
Pollutec 99
Tel (0171) 221 3660
[Fax 0171 792 3535]
Paris-Nord Villepinte, France
- 22nd September 1999
Brownfield + Contaminated Land
RICS, London
Tel (0121) 434 3337
[Fax 0121 44 3338]
- 22nd - 23th September 1999
Land Regeneration Expo
City Hall, Cardiff
Tel (0121) 604 1996
[Fax 0121 693 8448]
- 28th - 30th September 1999
GIS '99 and AGI Conference
Olympia, London
Tel (0181) 987 7584
[Fax 0181 742 3182]
- 30th September - 1st October 1999
Natural Radiation and NORM
Cumberland Hotel, London.
Tel (0171) 637 4383
[Fax 0171 631 3214]