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'Ask a Guru' | Valuation of contaminated property as regards foreign investment decisions | Methane from sand fill with 12 percent organic content | Aluminium Nitrate, Carbonate, Sulphate, Phosphate trigger values | Legislation on starting a environmental services firm in the UK | Textile industries and chlorinated solvents | I need a copy of Tom Cairney's first book | Listing of contaminated sites in Scotland needed | 6 months research project topic needed to complete my MSc | EPSCR/NERC programme bid (Waste + Pollution Mngmt) - seeking collaborators

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There have been quite a few requests received at the Website for assistance in tracking down information. The majority of these have been "fielded" by Robert Dunn (who has done a far better job than the English cricket team, and has not been stumped too many times so far!)

He has very kindly agreed to keep a watching brief over the 'Ask-a-Guru' section of the Website, although 'officially' our Guru will be the indomitable Dr Hackenbush !

This page once again is optimised for Netscape, and consists of 'threads' (much like in Usenet) to which responses are invited. The responses are moderated and posted up to the site for further discussion and comment by all interested parties.

The following 'icons' are used

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From: Monika Schneider
Date: 8 Feb 97 13:58:09
Subject: Enquiry Masters Dissertation

I am currently undertaking background research for my masters dissertation. The title is Valuation of contaminated property and its impact on foreign investment decisions.... Read more ?



From: Jack Hardin
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 1996
Subject: Methane

We are dealing with a site in Florida, USA for which a 100,000 retail establishment is planned. The site contains an area of approximately 20,000 which contains an organic sand fill with 12 percent organic content by weight.... Read more ?



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From: Steve Coackley
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 97
Subject: Aluminium nitrates

Are there any relevant figures for, Aluminium nitrates, Aluminium carbonates, Aluminium sulphates, Aluminium phosphates, with regard to contaminated land?.... Read more ?



From: Jason D. Clark
Date: Sun, 06 Apr 1997
Subject: Legislation on starting a environmental services firm in the UK

I am a student at Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene, Texas USA. We are currently working on a project that includes doing a feasibility study on starting a company in the United Kingdom..... Read more ?



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From: Mark D. Pettegrew
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 1997
Subject: Textile industries and chlorinated solvents

My Background is in Property Development, and I am particularly interested in the past manufacturing processes, and waste generation, disposal and overall management of wastes from the textile industries.... Read more ?



From: Robert James Dunn
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 1997
Subject: I need a copy of Tom Cairney's first book

Does anyone know of where I can obtain a copy of Tom Cairney's first book: `Redevelopment of Contaminated Land' .... Read more ?



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From: Dr. John C. Nemeth
Date: 13 June 97
Subject: Contaminated sites in Scotland

Do you have a list, with background information, of contaminated sites in the UK? - specifically Scotland.... Read more ?



From: Ben Rees
Date: 7th Dec 97
Subject: MSc Research project at Leeds University

I must complete a 6 month research project, for my geochemistry MSc at the University of Leeds, does anyone have a suitable project.... Read more ?



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From: Dr. John R. Dean
Date: 16th Dec 97
Subject: EPSCR/NERC programme bid (Waste and Pollution Management)

I am seeking collaborators for a bid to the joint EPSCR/NERC programme on Waste and Pollution Management with a particular focus on contaminated land.... Read more ?

Links for this Topic

Daughter links
  1. Aluminium Nitrate, Carbonate, Sulphate, Phosphate trigger values
  2. EPSCR / NERC programme bid - seeking collaborators
  3. Methane from sand fill with 12 percent organic content
  4. Research project topic needed to complete MSc
  5. Scotland - contaminated sites listing
  6. Textile industries and chlorinated solvents
  7. Tom Cairney's first book
  8. UK Legislation on starting a environmental services firm
  9. Valuation of contaminated property for foreign investment decisions

Cousin links

  1. Case Studies
  2. Causes of Contamination
  3. Conferences + Exhibitions
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  22. Who's who at www.ContaminatedLAND.co.uk

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