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Keywords :- Valuation of contaminated property and its impact on investment decisions - European car suppliers in Poland.

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From:Monika Schneider
Date: 8th Feb 1997
Subject: Enquiry Masters Dissertation




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Dear Madam or Sir,

I am currently undertaking background research for my masters dissertation. The title is Valuation of contaminated property and its impact on foreign investment decisions - illustrated by the example of European car suppliers in Poland.

I would like to know whether you have any relevant material, studies, charts to send me. Issues of particular interest are:

  1. Contaminated Land in Poland / Evidence of cleaning up including cost estimates - in particular any statistical analysis
  2. Techniques of Valuation
  3. How you work with clients on this issue
  4. Foreign investment in Poland - contact companies, data, project outlines
  5. Environmental legislation - existing environmental legislation and policy discussion outlines

    Many thanks

    Monika Schneider


1st response



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Dear Monika,

The Waste Prevention Association, a Polish non-profit environmental NGO is pleased to announce its new site on the World Wide Web:

English version
Polish version

There is information about it's activities and publications plus an provide extensive directory of links to other sites with:

  • pollution prevention and Clean Production,
  • municipal solid waste,
  • hazardous waste and toxic substances,
  • (anti-) waste incineration.

This project was made possible thanks to:-
1) Heinrich Boell Stiftung e.V. who provided financial assistance, and 2) The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe who granted us free web service.


Ogolnopolskie Towarzystwo Zagospodarowania Odpadow "3R"
Waste Prevention Association "3R"
ul. Slawkowska 12, 31-014 Krakow, Poland
tel./fax: (+48 12) 222 264, 222 147


2nd response

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I have a number of references that may be of use for you in your dissertation:

  1. Management of Contaminated Site Problems

    D K Asante-Duah
    410 pages, figs, tabs.
    Lewis, USA
    Price: GBP 55 - 1996 - Order Code: #53898W hardback

  2. Managing Contaminated Sites - Problem Diagnosis and Development of Site Restoration

    DK Asante-Duah 238 pages
    Price: GBP 43.50 - 1996 - Order Code: #54103W hardback

Emphasises problem diagnosis/characterisation and the development of site restoration and corrective action clean-up programmes. The focus of the book is to synthesis technically sound principles and techniques that can be applied globally to contamination

These titles are available through NHBS at http://www.nhbs.co.uk


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