October - December 1999
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- 4th October 1999
Brownfield + Contaminated Land
Thistle Hotel, Birmingham
Tel (0121) 434 3337
[Fax 0121 44 3338]
- 5th - 7th October 1999
Risk Based Corrective Action Applied at Petroleum Release Sites
ENSR International Limited, Hemel Hempstead.
Tel (1442) 437 500
[Fax 1442 437 550]
- 6th October 1999
Risk Management for Contaminated Land
CIRIA, London.
Tel (0171) 222 8891
[Fax 0171 222 1708]
- 12th October 1999
1999 Contaminated Land Regulations and Guidance Notes
Hilton Hotel, Coventry.
Tel (01572) 757 751
[Fax 01572 757 752]
- 17th - 22nd October 1999
JEMU Trade Mission
Czech Republic + Hungary
Tel (0171) 215 1037
[Fax 0171 215 1089]
- 19th October 1999
NEC, Birmingham
Tel (0171) 215 1055
[Fax 0171 215 1089]
- 19th - 22nd October 1999
Brno, Czech Republic
Tel (01442) 230 033
[Fax 01442 230 012]
- 20th October 1999
Environment Management Forum '99
Olympia 2, London
Tel (0171) 654 7117
[Fax 0171 654 7171]
- 20th - 23rd October 1999
Environment Japan '99
Osaka, Japan
- 23rd - 24th November 1999
Czech Investment '99
ITE Group, London
Tel (0171) 596 5079
- 25th - 28th October 1999
Environmental Protection '99
Brighton Conference Centre, Brighton
Tel (01273) 326 313
[Fax 01273 735 802]
- 8th - 12rd November 1999
Waste Management + Contaminated Land
SChEME, Nottingham
Tel (0115) 951 4099
- 9th - 11rd November 1999
Groundwater Pollution Prevention + Remediation
Renaissance Hotel, Manchester
Tel (0171) 453 5496
[Fax 0171 636 6858]
- 14th - 19th November 1999
Sustainable Communities and Local Agenda 21
International Seminars, Nottingham
Tel (01865) 316 636
[Fax 01865 557 368]
- 17th November 1999
Contaminated land - Implementation of Part IIA of the EPA 1990
Institution of Civil Engineers, London
Tel (0171) 665 2212
[Fax 0171 799 1325]
- 17th November 1999
Land Remediation
Cafe Royal, London
Tel (0171) 404 3040
- 23rd November 1999
Landfill Engineering
Institute of Civil Engineers, London
Tel (0171) 665 2237
[Fax 0171 799 1325]
- 23rd November 1999
Identifying Contaminated Land
Pride Park Stadium, Derby
Tel (01392) 441 738
[Fax 01392 441 709]
- 24th November 1999
Implications of the Landfill Credit Scheme to Research Providers
EA Technology, Chester
Tel (0151) 347 2323
[Fax 0151 347 2178]
- 24th November 1999
Environmental Information + the Residential Conveyancer
Geodesys Ltd, Stoke-on-Trent
Tel (01480) 323 889
- 24th - 25th November 1999
Ecotoxicology + Environmental Risk Assessment for Chemicals
Tel (0171) 453 5496
[Fax 0171 636 6858]
- 30th November 1999
UK Groundwater Research Seminar
University of Sheffield, Sheffield
Tel (0114) 222 5746
[Fax 0114 222 5700]
- 30th November 1999
Sources of Environmental Information
British Library, London
Tel (0171) 412 7470
- 30th November 1999
Remediation, Recycling and Piling with Lime
British Lime Association, London
Tel (01329) 314 854
- 30th November 1999
Latest Developments in Foundations
Roger Bullivant Ltd, Boreham Wood
Tel (01283) 525 009
- 30th November 1999
Environmental Information + the Residential Conveyancer
Jordans Ltd, Telford
Tel (0117) 918 1272
- 30th November 1999
Identifying Contaminated Land
Stadium of Light, Sunderland
Tel (01392) 441 738
[Fax 01392 441 709]
- 1st December 1999
Environmental Information + the Residential Conveyancer
Geodesys Ltd, Swindon
Tel (01480) 323 889
- 1st - 2nd December 1999
Nuclear Congress 1999
Royal Lancaster Hotel, London
Tel (0171)233 1743
[Fax 0171 655 2313]
- 2nd December 1999
The UK's Environmental Technology + Services Industry
Environmental Industries Commission, London
Tel (0171) 935 1675
- 6th December 1999
Environmental Law in the 21st Century
Hawksmere, London
Tel (0171) 881 1850
[Fax 0171 730 4293]
- 6th - 8th December 1999
Brownfields '99 Conference - Alliances for 21st Century Livability
EPA, Dallas
Tel +1 877 343 5374
- 7th December 1999
Best Practice for the Combined Geotechnical + Environmental Investigation of Brownfield sites
Geological Society, London
- 7th December 1999
Environmental Information + the Residential Conveyancer
Geodesys Ltd, Norwich
Tel (01480) 323 889
- 7th - 8th December 1999
Seminar on Portable XRF applications
Royal Society of Chemistry, Sheffield Hallam University
Tel (01273) 678 085
[Fax 01273 677 196]
- 8th December 1999
Reference Materials + Proficiency Testing
Royal Society, London
Tel (0181) 943 7343
[Fax 0181 943 2767]
- 9th December 1999
Environmental Information + the Residential Conveyancer
Jordans Ltd, Derby
Tel (0117) 918 1272
- 9th - 10th December 1999
Millennium Conference on Environmental Education and Communication
Online, World Wide Web
- 13th December 1999
Identifying Contaminated Land
Rebok Stadium, Bolton
Tel (01392) 441 738
[Fax 01392 441 709]
- 15th December 1999
Identifying Contaminated Land
London Arena, London
Tel (01392) 441 738
[Fax 01392 441 709]
- 16th December 1999
Identifying Contaminated Land
Dillington House, Taunton
Tel (01392) 441 738
[Fax 01392 441 709]