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  1. 4th October 1999
    Brownfield + Contaminated Land
    Thistle Hotel, Birmingham
    Tel (0121) 434 3337
    [Fax 0121 44 3338]


  2. 5th - 7th October 1999
    Risk Based Corrective Action Applied at Petroleum Release Sites
    ENSR International Limited, Hemel Hempstead.
    Tel (1442) 437 500
    [Fax 1442 437 550]

  3. 6th October 1999
    Risk Management for Contaminated Land
    CIRIA, London.
    Tel (0171) 222 8891
    [Fax 0171 222 1708]

  4. 12th October 1999
    1999 Contaminated Land Regulations and Guidance Notes
    Hilton Hotel, Coventry.
    Tel (01572) 757 751
    [Fax 01572 757 752]

  5. 17th - 22nd October 1999
    JEMU Trade Mission
    Czech Republic + Hungary
    Tel (0171) 215 1037
    [Fax 0171 215 1089]


  6. 19th October 1999
    NEC, Birmingham
    Tel (0171) 215 1055
    [Fax 0171 215 1089]


  7. 19th - 22nd October 1999
    Brno, Czech Republic
    Tel (01442) 230 033
    [Fax 01442 230 012]


  8. 20th October 1999
    Environment Management Forum '99
    Olympia 2, London
    Tel (0171) 654 7117
    [Fax 0171 654 7171]


  9. 20th - 23rd October 1999
    Environment Japan '99
    Osaka, Japan


  10. 23rd - 24th November 1999
    Czech Investment '99
    ITE Group, London
    Tel (0171) 596 5079

  11. 25th - 28th October 1999
    Environmental Protection '99
    Brighton Conference Centre, Brighton
    Tel (01273) 326 313
    [Fax 01273 735 802]

  12. 8th - 12rd November 1999
    Waste Management + Contaminated Land
    SChEME, Nottingham
    Tel (0115) 951 4099

  13. 9th - 11rd November 1999
    Groundwater Pollution Prevention + Remediation
    Renaissance Hotel, Manchester
    Tel (0171) 453 5496
    [Fax 0171 636 6858]


  14. 14th - 19th November 1999
    Sustainable Communities and Local Agenda 21
    International Seminars, Nottingham
    Tel (01865) 316 636
    [Fax 01865 557 368]


  15. 17th November 1999
    Contaminated land - Implementation of Part IIA of the EPA 1990
    Institution of Civil Engineers, London
    Tel (0171) 665 2212
    [Fax 0171 799 1325]


  16. 17th November 1999
    Land Remediation
    Cafe Royal, London
    Tel (0171) 404 3040

  17. 23rd November 1999
    Landfill Engineering
    Institute of Civil Engineers, London
    Tel (0171) 665 2237
    [Fax 0171 799 1325]


  18. 23rd November 1999
    Identifying Contaminated Land
    Pride Park Stadium, Derby
    Tel (01392) 441 738
    [Fax 01392 441 709]


  19. 24th November 1999
    Implications of the Landfill Credit Scheme to Research Providers
    EA Technology, Chester
    Tel (0151) 347 2323
    [Fax 0151 347 2178]


  20. 24th November 1999
    Environmental Information + the Residential Conveyancer
    Geodesys Ltd, Stoke-on-Trent
    Tel (01480) 323 889

  21. 24th - 25th November 1999
    Ecotoxicology + Environmental Risk Assessment for Chemicals
    Tel (0171) 453 5496
    [Fax 0171 636 6858]


  22. 30th November 1999
    UK Groundwater Research Seminar
    University of Sheffield, Sheffield
    Tel (0114) 222 5746
    [Fax 0114 222 5700]


  23. 30th November 1999
    Sources of Environmental Information
    British Library, London
    Tel (0171) 412 7470


  24. 30th November 1999
    Remediation, Recycling and Piling with Lime
    British Lime Association, London
    Tel (01329) 314 854

  25. 30th November 1999
    Latest Developments in Foundations
    Roger Bullivant Ltd, Boreham Wood
    Tel (01283) 525 009

  26. 30th November 1999
    Environmental Information + the Residential Conveyancer
    Jordans Ltd, Telford
    Tel (0117) 918 1272

  27. 30th November 1999
    Identifying Contaminated Land
    Stadium of Light, Sunderland
    Tel (01392) 441 738
    [Fax 01392 441 709]


  28. 1st December 1999
    Environmental Information + the Residential Conveyancer
    Geodesys Ltd, Swindon
    Tel (01480) 323 889

  29. 1st - 2nd December 1999
    Nuclear Congress 1999
    Royal Lancaster Hotel, London
    Tel (0171)233 1743
    [Fax 0171 655 2313]


  30. 2nd December 1999
    The UK's Environmental Technology + Services Industry
    Environmental Industries Commission, London
    Tel (0171) 935 1675

  31. 6th December 1999
    Environmental Law in the 21st Century
    Hawksmere, London
    Tel (0171) 881 1850
    [Fax 0171 730 4293]

  32. 6th - 8th December 1999
    Brownfields '99 Conference - Alliances for 21st Century Livability
    EPA, Dallas
    Tel +1 877 343 5374


  33. 7th December 1999
    Best Practice for the Combined Geotechnical + Environmental Investigation of Brownfield sites
    Geological Society, London


  34. 7th December 1999
    Environmental Information + the Residential Conveyancer
    Geodesys Ltd, Norwich
    Tel (01480) 323 889

  35. 7th - 8th December 1999
    Seminar on Portable XRF applications
    Royal Society of Chemistry, Sheffield Hallam University
    Tel (01273) 678 085
    [Fax 01273 677 196]


  36. 8th December 1999
    Reference Materials + Proficiency Testing
    Royal Society, London
    Tel (0181) 943 7343
    [Fax 0181 943 2767]


  37. 9th December 1999
    Environmental Information + the Residential Conveyancer
    Jordans Ltd, Derby
    Tel (0117) 918 1272

  38. 9th - 10th December 1999
    Millennium Conference on Environmental Education and Communication
    Online, World Wide Web


  39. 13th December 1999
    Identifying Contaminated Land
    Rebok Stadium, Bolton
    Tel (01392) 441 738
    [Fax 01392 441 709]


  40. 15th December 1999
    Identifying Contaminated Land
    London Arena, London
    Tel (01392) 441 738
    [Fax 01392 441 709]


  41. 16th December 1999
    Identifying Contaminated Land
    Dillington House, Taunton
    Tel (01392) 441 738
    [Fax 01392 441 709]


Links for this Topic

Daughter links
  1. Conferences, Exhibitions etc (Archives)
  2. Conferences, Exhibitions etc (April - September 1999)
  3. Conferences, Exhibitions etc (January - December 2000)

Cousin link

  1. Ask a Guru
  2. Case Studies
  3. Causes of Contamination
  4. Environmental Publications
  5. Environmental Links on the Web
  6. Government Guidance
  7. Householders Guide to Contamination
  8. Jobs + Careers
  9. Legislation + Regulation
  10. Mailing Lists
  11. Professional Expertise
  12. Risk Assessment Techniques
  13. Romeo, romeo!, wherefore art thou....
  14. Search the Site for....?
  15. Section 143
  16. Serendipity
  17. Site Investigation Procedures
  18. Standards + Guidelines
  19. Table of Contents
  20. Tips + Tricks
  21. Training + Courses
  22. Who's who at www.ContaminatedLAND.co.uk

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[Page created: 11th Nov 1965, Last Update: 15th January 2000]
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