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Dead link / empty page

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I spy with my little eye - a dead link
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I spy with my little eye - a dead link

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Hardly anyone complains to the waiter in a restaurant, that the food was not quite up to standard, although they certainly tell their friends later when asked for a potential recommendation!

'I have just spotted a dead link on your site' is one of the most dreaded email messages that a webmaster can receive (although as Oscar Wilde would no doubt have said 'The only thing worse than being told that you have a dead-link, is not being told that you have a dead-link')

What one needs to bear in mind is that on the web, there are so many links out there that statistically speaking some of them must either:-

  1. go nowhere (document has no data in it)
  2. go to an extinct webpage ('404' page does not exist)
  3. go to a page that has been renamed (page not known)


One of your pages is missing


If that misshap were to occur whilst you are on this website, it could be due to one of the following.

Whatever the reason we would be very grateful if you would notify us of any problems with dead-links or missing pages, so that we can rectify things as soon as possible (provided that there is no British Lions Rugby testmatch on at the time).


How do I let you know about it

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It is very simple and only involves doing the following:-

  1. Using the back-button to return to the page that has the missing link.
  2. Going down to the bottom of the page
  3. Highlighting the page address (e.g. this page is known as URL:
  4. Copying the address, by using the 'Edit' function on the top menu-bar
  5. Opening your email package by clicking on the link which is also at the bottom of every page
  6. In the subject line pasting the address (again by using the 'Edit' function on the top menu-bar)
  7. Telling us briefly what did (or didn't) happen when you tried clicking on the link
  8. Sending off the email

This will make our job a little bit easier, as there are over 400 pages on this website (which are a mixture of the old and new design), so statistically speaking there are bound to be one or two errors !

Links for this Topic

Cousin links
  1. Case Studies
  2. Causes of Contamination
  3. Conferences + Exhibitions
  4. Environmental Publications
  5. Environmental Links on the Web
  6. Government Guidance
  7. Householders Guide to Contamination
  8. Jobs + Careers
  9. Legislation + Regulation
  10. Mailing Lists
  11. Professional Expertise
  12. Risk Assessment Techniques
  13. Romeo, romeo!, wherefore art thou....
  14. Search the Site for....?
  15. Section 143
  16. Serendipity
  17. Site Investigation Procedures
  18. Standards + Guidelines
  19. Table of Contents
  20. Tips + Tricks
  21. Training + Courses
  22. Who's who at

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[Page created: 11th Nov 65, Last Update: 1st June 2001]
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