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Abbreviated listing of this Current month's jobs

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Keywords :- Summary listing for the Current month - by Title, Location, Employer

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Job Title

Accounts Asst, Acousticians - all levels, Acoustics Specialist, Admin Dept Manager, Advisor, Air Quality Specialist, Area Planning Officer, Art Asst, Asbestos Analysts, Asst Conservation Officer, Asst Director (2), Asst Editor, Asst Environmental Co-ordinator, Asst Professor in Ecology + Biodiversity, Auditors, Board Level Opportunities, Business Development - Contaminated Land, Business Development - Process Wastewater., Business Development Manager, Chair in Environmental Science Technology Mngmt, Chair in Forest Hydro, Chair of IPC, Chartered Resident Civil Engineer, Chemist, Chief Conservation Officer, Climate Change Policy Officer, Coastal Plain Area + Countryside Manager, Commercial + Technical Dir, Community + Education Officers, Community Project Officer, Conservation Manager, Consultants, Contaminated Land Consultant, Contaminated Land Scientist (8), Contaminated. Land Engineers, Countryside Ranger (3), , Direct Marketing Fundraiser, Director, Divisional Head, Dry Waste Sales Consultant, Due Diligence Specialists, Eco Quality Assessor, Ecological Consultant, Ecologist (3), Economic Forum Development Officer, Ecotoxicologist, Editor (Electronic publishing), EHO (5), EIA Consultant, EMS + Audit, EMS Consultant, EMS Specialists, Energy Advice Officer, Energy Consultants, Energy Journalists, Energy Officer, Energy Policy Analyst, Enforcement / Planning Officer, Environment Unit Manager, Environmental Advisor, Environmental Affairs Manager, Environmental Affairs Specialist, Environmental Business Advisor, Environmental Co-ordinator /Agenda 21 Officer, Environmental Co-ordinator, Environmental Consultant (6), Environmental Economist, Environmental Engineer / Scientist, Environmental Geochemistry + Pollution Mngmt Studentships, Environmental Modeller, Environmental Noise + Vibration Specialist, Environmental Scientists (2), Environmental Services Officer, Environmental Specialists, Environmental staff, European Environmental Manager, European Project Manager, External Environmental Affairs Advisor, Field Botanist, Field Chemist, Fundraiser, Fundraising Manager, Fundraising Officer, General Manager Transport / Waste Collection, General Manager, General Secretary, Geo Environmental Engineer, Geophysicists, Greening of the Workplace Officer, Group Manager - Environmental Control, Head of Communications, Head of Conservation Policy, Head of Environment, Head of Personnel + Office Manager, Health Safety + Environment Services Dir, Health + Safety Consultant, Health + Safety, HR Advisers, HSE Manager, Hydrogeologist / Geologist, Hydrogeologist (3), Hydrographic Surveyors Survey Eng Geophysicists Oceanographers, Industrial Wastewater Process Engineer, Institutional Development Specialists, Interpretation Project Officer, IPC Officers, Junior Environmental Consultant, Junior Geotechnical Engineer, Junior Site Investigator, Keeper (Cntry Mngmt), Landfill Engineer, Landfill Specialists., Landfill Unit Manager, Landscape Ecologist, Lead Assessors, Leakage + Water Efficiency Manager, Lectureship in Environmental Science, Legionella Assessment, Maintenance Manager, Marine Awareness Officer, Marine Biologist, Marine Conservation Officer, Marketing Administrator, Marketing Manager, Modeller, Molecular Ecologist, National Strategy Officer, New Business Manager - Environment, News Editor (2), Offshore Health + Safety Inspectors, Operations Manager (2), Personnel Adviser, PhD Studentship - Microbial Biopolymers, Plan Ecologist, Planner (3), Planning Officer (3), Plant Ecologist / Genetist, Plant Physiologist / Ecologist, Principal Environmental Managers, Principal Geologist, Process Manager, Product Safety + Envt Mngr-Europe, Product Services Manager, Programme Manager, Project + Envt Manager, Project Co-ordinator (2), Project Cycle Management Specialists, Project Director, Project Manager -Waste Mngmt, Project Manager (6), Project Officer, Project Officer, Project Risk Manager, Proposals Engineer, Quality Control Manager, Regional Admininistrator, Regional Conservation Officer, Regional Flood Defence Committee Members (2), Regional Organisers, Regional Programme Managers, Research Consultant, Research Fellow / Asst, Research Officer - Risk Assessment, Research Scientist, Researcher (risk asssessment), Resource Planning Advisers, Rural Affairs Correspondent, Rural Economist / Research Asst, Safety Reliability Engineers, Scientist Officer, Scientist, Scotish Research / Campaigner, Section Manager, Senior Admin Officer, Senior Consultant, Senior Fundraising Exec - Trusts + Lottery, Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Senior Land Use Planners (9), Senior Technical Officer - Noise Control, Senior Contaminated Land Consultant, Senior Corporate Reporting Consultant, Senior Enviro Hydrogeologist., Senior Hydrogeologist, Shift Charge Engineer, Site Management Officer, Social Issues Officer, Soil Radioecologist, Solid Waste Specialists, Spatial Infoformation Specialist, Stack Emissions, Stack Samplers, Studentship (4), Team Leader (3), Technical Dir (3), Technical Officer (2), Technical Officer (Pollution), Voluntary Project Asst, Volunteer + Community Officer, Waste Manager, Waste Sales Manager, Welcome to Wildlife Officer,


Aberdeenshire C, Amerada Hess, Angus C, Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Management + Conservation Project, Auckland University, BBC, Biwater Treatment, Biwater, Body Shop Magazine, Bradford University, BRE, British Columbia University, Broads Authority, Cardiff CC, CELTIC Technologies (2), Cherwell Direct Services, Chilterns Initative (3), Coral Cay Consrv, Corporation of London, Cotswold DC, CPRE, Crewe + Nantwich BC, Dames + Moore, DETR (Enviro Agency Audit Com H+S Com English Nature National Forest Co Eco Labelling Board Advisory Com on Releases to Enviro), Devon Wildlife Trust (2), Dover DC, East Lothian C, East Riding C / Kinston Upon Hull CC, EEF, Environment Agency (6), Environmental Industries Commission, Environmental Management Centre, Environmental Services, Enviros, ERM, Ernest + Young, ERS Environmental (8), Evergreen Resources (54), Fibrowatt (3), Forestry Commission, FRCA, Friends of the Earth - Scotland (2), Friends of the Earth, Fylde BC, Garden History Society, Gravesham BC, Green Energy, Greenpeace, Greenwich University (2), Groundwork Coventry, Groundwork National Office (2), Groundwork Wirral (2), Groundwork, Guardline Surveys, Hackney BC, Halcrow Fox, Harrow BC, Herefordshire / Shropshire Business Link, Hertfordshire + Middlesex Wildlife Trust, Hong Kong University, Horticultural Conservation Charity, HSE, Hyder Environmental Labs + Scis, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology (5), Institute Terrestrial Ecology, International Atomic Energy Agency, Intl Oil Poll Funds, Isle of Wight, Islington BC, Lake District National Park (2), Leicestershire CC, Lincolnshire Trust, London BC, London Wildlife Trust, Midlands, Ministry of Planning + Development, Monsanto, Montgomery Watson (9), Nature, NERC, New Scientist, Newcastle upon Tyne University, Oldham BC, Oldham MBC, OMV, Open University, PGS Reservoir (2), PH Energy, Planning, Rhone-Poulenc, RSPB, Rutland CC, SAC, Saur Water Serivces, School of Water Science (2), Scottish Natural Heritage (4), SEPA, Simpson Crowden Cons, Soil Association, South Cambridgeshire DC, South Derbyshire DC, Southern Water (2), Suffolk CC, Sunchemical, Surrey CC, Surrey Wildlife Trust, Sussex Downs Conservation Officer, Sutton + East Surrey Water (2), Tauton Deane BC, Tayside Native Woodlands, Tees Valley Joint Strategy Unit, Tendring DC, Texaco, Thames Water, Transport Research Labs, UL International, UniRoyal Chem, VSO, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, Water Aid, Welsh Office, West Sussex CC, Wildlife Trust, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust (2), World Energy Council, Wrekin CC, WWF (3), Wychavon DC, Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust,


Aberdeen (3), Banchory, Bangor (2), Beinne Eighe, Berkshire (3), Birmingham with UK Travel., Brunel University, Brussels / London, Burnham Beeches National Nature Reserve., Cheshire, Cranfield University (2), East of Scotland, Edinburgh (3), Exeter, Glen Doll, Grange-over-Sands, Hampshire, Home Counties (2), Hong Kong, Huntingdon, Indonesia, Kent + Hampshire, Kent (2), Kenya, Lancashire, London + Bristol, London (10), Manchester, Manchester, Midlands + Kent, Midlands / Northwest or Southeast, Midlands (4), Monaco, Nation-wide, Nationwide (3), Natural Resources Institute, New Zealand, Newcastle upon Tyne, North East, Northwest Southeast, Northwest / South, Northwest (4), Pakistan, Peterborough CC, Reading, Rochdale Oldham + Tameside, Scotland (3), Slough, Soho, South East, South West + Throughout UK., South (6), Southeast Suffolk, Southeast (3), Southern Home Counties, Southwest + Throughout UK., Southwest., Spain, Surrey + Midlothian, Surrey (3), Teeside + N Yorkshire, Thetford (3), Trinidad + Tobago, UK based (3), UK wide, Vancouver, various locations nationally, Various, Wales, Wareham (2), Wisley, Yorkshire,

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[Page created: 10th July 96, Last Update: 10th February 98]
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