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The jobs below were either advertised on the EBM website, found on the Web or else in Newspapers and Magazines. A few jobs do not have hotlinks to them, but instead require you to .

Environmental Jobs advertised as of 30th May 2001 - Part 2

Location Posted Job Title Employer Salary
Back to Part 1 Onto Title Onto Employer
London May-a Committee Specialist (Environment Transport + Regional) House of Commons £ 19-31k
London May-b Link Programme Co-ordinator (Horticulture) MAFF £ 200-270 per day
London May-a Fund Officer Engineers for Disaster Relief £ 18k
London May-b Conference + Marketing Co-ordinator Royal Society of Chemistry £ 17-21k
London MAY-C Planning Policy Officer Southwark BC £ 25-30k
London May-b Membership Assistant British Association for the Advancement of Science £ 16k
London May-a Membership Marketing Administrator Environment Council £ 15-18k
London May-a Membership Marketing Co-ordinator Environment Council £ 18-21k
London MAY-C Director Tree Council £ 35k
London May-a Campaign Co-ordinator Adopt a Minefield £ 25k
London May-b Researcher (Verification of Environmental Agreements) VERTIC
London May-b Finance Assistant Waste Watch £ 11-14k
London May-a Education + Training Officer Waste Watch £ 15-21k
London Commercial Analyst BHP Petroleum
London Market Analyst (Crude Oil) CONOCO
London Rural Economy Adviser Country Land + Business Association
London Economist DETR
London Office Manager Environmental Governance £ 16-18k
London Electronic Production Manager Nature Publishing Group
London Business Development Manager Renascence
London Corporate GIS Manager LB Barking+ Dagenham £ 32k
London Administrator Southwalk Energy Agency £ 19-21k
London Energy Officer Southwalk Energy Agency £ 22-23k
London Community Recycling Officer Houslow Council £ 20-21k
London Senior Recycling Officer Houslow Council £ 22-24k
London Deputy Chief Sub-editor Building Magazine
London Administrator Chemistry + Industry
London Editor The Ecologist
London General Manager (Organic Horticulture) Walworth Garden Farm £ 25-27k
London PR + Marketing Manager Institution of Civil Engineers
London Policy Support Officer (Environment + Sustainability) Greater London Authority £ 29k
London Safety Health + Environment Advisor Manpower £ 28k
London Policy Development Officer (Environment) Federation of Small Businesses £ 23k
London Trade Policy Co-ordinator DFID £ 33-48k
London Marketing Executive The Ecologist
London Campaigns Co-ordinator Landmine Action £ 21k
London Overseas Finance Manager Farm Africa
London Corporate Fundraiser Action against Hunger £ 22-26k
London Direct Marketing Executive Action Aid £ 23k
London Principal Consultant (Neighbourhood Renewal) Civic Trust £ 42k
London Manager (Living Rivers) Lower Lea Project £ 20-24k
London Macro Economist (Metals) Enron
London Adopt-a-River Project Officer Thames 21
London Construction / Project Planner Arup
London Area Sales Engineer Loos UK
London Meetings + Media Officer Overseas Development Institute £ 15-19
London Consultant (Environmental Economics + Sustainability) ECOTEC
London Manager (Life Sciences) Royal Society of Chemistry £ 25k
London Direct Marketing Manager Greenpeace £ 32k
London Personnel Adviser Energywatch £ 23k
London Community Regeneration Co-ordinator LB Newham £ 25-28k
London Land Surveyor SES
London Senior Landscape Architect Groundwork West London £ 23-26k
London Community Development Co-ordinator Groundwork West London £ 21-24k
London Development Officer Groundwork West London £ 20-23k
London Policy Officer (Environment + Disasters) Tearfund £ 24-25k
London Disaster Management Director Tearfund £ 39-40k
London Neighbourhood Renewal Officer Cityside Regeneration
London Marketing + Development Director Green Futures £ 34k
London PR Consultant (Science + Technology) Key Science
Lowestoft Biologist (Fish Population) Center for Environment Fisheries + Aquaculture Sciences £ 23-35k
Macclesfield GIS Data Technician Cleveland Geosurveys
Macclesfield GIS Project Manager Cleveland Geosurveys
Macclesfield GIS Salesman Cleveland Geosurveys
Maidstone May-a Relationship Marketing Officer Kent Wildlife Trust £ 25-28k
Maidstone Programme Manager (Kent Lifescapes) Kent CC
Maidstone GIS Manager (Countryside Projects) Kent CC £ 24k
Malvern Campaigns Manager (Waste Minimisation Recycling + Recovery) Welcome to our Future £ 25k
Manchester MAY-C Non-Executive Board Member ENTRUST £ 8k (for 12-20 days)
Manchester MAY-C Project Manager Allen + York £ 30k
Manchester MAY-C PhD Studentship (Experimental Geochemistry) Manchester University
Middle East MAY-C HSE Officer IOTA
Midlands May-b Occupational Hygienist Evergreen Resources £ 20K
Midlands May-b Hydrogeologist Allen + York £ 25-30k
Midlands May-a Principal Environmental Consultant Index Environmental
Midlands MAY-C Bioanalytical Laboratory Manager SRG Labstaff £ 40k
Midlands Civil Engineer GPU Power Engineering £ 33k
Midlands Hydrologist Environment Agency £ 17-19k
Midlands Radioactive Substances Regulation Officer Environment Agency £ 22-26k
Milton Keynes Building Scientist (Building Energy Modelling) University College London £ 25k
Nairobi MAY-C Programme Officer (Urban Environment) UNEP
Nationwide May-a Business Development Executive Allen + York £ Neg
Netherlands Senior New-ventures Co-ordinator Clyde Petroleum Exploratie
Newark MAY-C Biodiversity Information Manager Wildlife Trust £ 23k
Newbury Research Assistant (Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy) Institute for Animal Health
Newcastle PhD Studentship (Microbial Fuel Cells) Newcastle University
North Midlands MAY-C Transport Planner Allen + York £ Neg
North Midlands MAY-C Geotechnical / Environmental Engineer Allen + York £ Neg
North May-a Senior Risk Consultant (Environment) Allen + York £ 45-55k
North May-b Senior Wetland Specialist Allen + York £ 20-30k
North MAY-C Environmental Risk Consultant Allen + York
North May-a Associate - Contaminated Land Index Environmental
Northampton Wildlife Watch Organiser Wildlife Trusts £ 14k
Northampton Wildlife Watch Organiser Wildlife Trusts £ 14k
Northeast MAY-C Senior Planner Allen + York £ Neg
Northeast MAY-C Senior Town Planner Allen + York £ Neg
Northumberland Senior Research Assistant (Renewable Energy) University of Northumbria £ 16-21k
Northwest May-b Senior Engineering Geologist Allen + York £ 30k
Northwest MAY-C Senior Town Planner Allen + York £ Neg
Norwich MAY-C Senior Research Associate Centre for Social + Economic Research on the Global Environment
Norwich MAY-C Researcher (Climate Change) Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research £ 18-30
Offshore / Coastal May-b Hydrographic Surveyor GOSS Consultants
Overseas May-b Environmental Specialist Tractebel
Oxford May-b Engineering Manager Allen + York £ 25-30k
Oxfordshire May-b Environmental Consultant (Combined Heat + Power) AEA Technology £ 25-40k
Oxfordshire Environmental Consultant (Contaminated Land) AEA Technology £ 25-40k
Oxfordshire Environmental Consultant (Waste Management) AEA Technology £ 25-40k
Peterborough MAY-C Assistant Planning Adviser English Nature £ 14k
Peterborough MAY-C Assistant Policy Adviser English Nature £ 14k
Peterborough May-a Regional Environmental Management Adviser Environment Agency £ 22-26k
Peterloo May-b Media Relations Officer Environment Agency £ 20-22k
Peterloo May-b PR Officer Environment Agency £ 18-16k
Powys May-a Regional Sites + Monuments Records Officer Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust £ 13-15k
Preston Project Liason Officer (Home Composting) HD RA Consultants £ 25-28k
Preston Community Food Projects Officer Wildlife Trust for Lancashire Manchester + Merseyside
Qatar MAY-C Laboratory Instructor Qatar Chemical Company
Qatar MAY-C Senior Business Analyst Qatar Petroleum
Rainham Marshes May-b Nature Reserves Manager RSPB £ 16-18k
Reading May-b Communications Director Gap Activity Projects £ 30k
Reading May-a Air Modeller Allen + York £ Neg
Reading May-a Editor (Microbiology) Society for General Microbiology £ 16-23k
Reading Senior Conservationist Thames Water £ 15k
Reading Regional Groundwater Modeller Environment Agency £ 22-26k
Reading Project Engineer Foster Wheeler energy
Rochdale Environmental Action Group Manager Rochdale Council £ 23-26k
Roding Valley Nature Conservancy Officer LB Redbridge £ 22-25k
Rugby MAY-C Environmental Assistant RMC £ 23-30k
Rugby May-a Director (International Programmes + Policy) ITDG
Salford MAY-C PhD Studentship (Susainable Transport) Telford Institute of Environmental Systems £ 6k
Salisbury / Porton Down Molecular Biologist (Toxins) CAMR £ 18k
Salisbury / Porton Down Senior Cell Biology Scientist (Anthrax) CAMR £ 21k
Sarajevo May-b Senior Energy Sector Advisor Office of the High Representative
Scotland May-a Manager (Recycling Education Team) Allen + York £ 25-29k
Scotland May-b Operations Manager Allen + York £ 20-23k
Scotland May-b Recycling Officer Allen + York £ 17-20k
Scotland May-b Senior Recycling Officer Allen + York £ 19-23k
Scotland MAY-C Environmental Advisor (Oil + Gas) Allen + York £ 65k
Scotland MAY-C Senior Town Planner Allen + York £ Neg
Scunthorpe Project Manager (Isle of Axholme Regeneration) North Lincolnshire Council £ 19-20k
Sheffield Health Effects Scientist Health + Safety Laboratory
Slough Sustainable Development Officer Slough BC £ 21-26k
Slough Waste Minimisation + Recyling Officer Slough BC £ 21-26k
South Coast May-b Air Quality and Noise Consultant Allen + York £ 23-30k
South Midlands May-a Landfill Engineer Allen + York £ Neg
South May-b Marine Biologist (Marine EIA) Allen + York £ Neg
South MAY-C Senior Planner Allen + York £ Neg
South MAY-C Senior Energy Consultant Allen + York
South Sales Manager (Laboratory Analytical Services) Norwest Holst
Southampton Telecommunications Field Inspector (Safety + Health) Bureau Veritas
Southeast / Northwest May-a Project Manager (Contaminated Land) Index Environmental
Southeast May-a Environmental Scientist Allen + York £ 17-20k
Southeast May-b Environmental Consultant Allen + York £ 20-30k
Southeast MAY-C Planning Team Leader Allen + York £ Neg
Southeast MAY-C Hydraulic Engineer Allen + York £ 25-30k
St Albans Nature Reserves Manager Hertfordshire + Middlesex Wildlife Trust £ 20-23k
Stafford Project Co-ordinator Staffordshire Business + Environment Network £ 18k
Stockport May-a Sales Engineer (Instrumentation) EIM Northern
Stuttgart May-b Junior Research Groupleader (Sustainable Agriculture + Forestry) Robert Bosch Stiftung
Sunbury MAY-C Workload Planner Environment Agency £ 18-21k
Surrey Senior Analyst Hudson Shribman
Sutton Legal Sub-editor Estates Gazette
Swindon May-a Engineer / Physicist (New Energy Technologies) Innogy
Swindon Exploitation Adviser NERC £ 23-27k
Switzerland May-b Toxicologist RCC
Telford Project Engineer ABB Analytical
Telford Environmental Management Officer Telford + Wrekin Council £ 19-22k
Thetford National Organiser (Breeding Bird Survey) British Trust for Ornithology
Uganda Chief Executive Designate National Forestry Authority
UK / Germany Clay Modeller (Automotive) Matchtech
UK MAY-C International Technology Promoter (Biotechnology) DTI £ 60-70k
UK May-a Environmental Scientist Allen + York £ Neg
UK May-a Management Consultant Allen + York
UK MAY-C Consultants Allen + York
UK May-b Land Surveyor Mason Land Surveys
UK International Technology Promoter (Biotechnology) DTI £ 60-70k
UK Safety + Environment Advisor Carillion £ 21-27k
UK Project Engineer (Flood Defence) Bauer Foundations
UK Civil Works Manager (Combined Cycle Power Plant) Shanahan Engineering
Vienna Analyst (Radionuclide Monitoring) Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organisation $ 41-44k
Vienna Planning Officer Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organisation $ 49-53k
Virginia MAY-C Director Center for Sustainment Science + Technologies
Wareham Species Ecologist Butterfly Conservation
Warington May-b Campaign Co-ordinator Environment Agency £ 20-22k
Warrington Scientific Officer Environment Agency £ 15-18k
Warwick May-b Private Sector Business Manager (Rural Poverty) ULD Northumbrian
Watford Energy Advisor Watford + Three Rivers Energy Agency
West Midlands May-b Geologist / Geotechnical Engineer Evergreen Resources £ 17k
West Midlands May-b Environmental Consultant Allen + York £ 17-30k
West Midlands May-b CQA Manager Allen + York £ 25-35k
West Yorkshire May-a Consultant Building Research Establishment Ltd £ 20k
Weybridge May-b Analytical Scientist Glaxo Smith Kline
Winchester Assistant Project Officer (Heathland) Hampshire CC 3 18k
Wirral Assistant Director (Environmental Health) Wirral MB £ 34-35k
Wirral Sustainable Transport Co-ordinator Wirral MB £ 23-25k
Witney Geophysicist Geo-Services International (UK)
Woking Environmental Project Officer Woking BC £ 20-24k
Worcester MAY-C Planning Assistant (Minerals + Waste) Worcestershire CC £ 15-20k
York May-a Air Quality Modeller City of York Council £ 20-22k
York May-b Transport Research Officer York CC £ 15-22k
Yugoslavia Project Manager (Housing Reconstruction) European Agency for Reconstruction
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If you are interested in one of the jobs mentioned in the table above.

  1. Jan-a is when the job was first posted (lower-case 'a')
  2. MAR-A indicates a new posting (upper case 'A')
  3. 'a' = start (5-10th), 'b' = middle (15-20th), 'c' = end of the month (25-30th)
  4. Click on the link (e.g. Jan-a) to jump through hyperspace to the job details

You can have the job listings emailed to you three times a month, your options are :-

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And once you have found your dream job, and you no longer need us (Sob !) then just say :-

As not all the jobs available are listed above, you should also consider browsing the following environmental recruitment websites:-

ADC Environment / Allen + York / Chase Moulande / Earthworks / edie / ENDS / Equate / ERS / Euro Elite / Evergreen Resources / Index Environmental / Jared / Kelly Scientific Resources / Labsupport / Lawson Search / Open Spaces / Peter Glaser / Society of Chemical Industry /

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[Page created: 23rd Oct 1996, Last Update: 30th May 2001]
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