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CIRIA publications - General

Keywords :- Site investigation, Guidance, sale, transfer of land, Remedial treatment, Decommissioning, decontamination, demolition, assessment, selection, Excavation, disposal, Containment, hydraulic, Ex-situ remedial, In-situ methods, in-ground barriers, safe working practices

CIRIA Publications - General
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  1. SP 73 Role and responsibility in site investigation 1991. (ISBN 0 860 173 216) £31.50 non members / £16 members.

  2. SP 99 Guidance on the sale and transfer of land which may be affected by contamination. Report by Parkman Environment, Andrew Bryce and Co. and Clifford Chance. DoE, in prep.

  3. SP 101 Remedial treatment for contaminated land. Vol 1 Introduction and guide 1995. (ISBN 0 860 173 968) to be published in August/September 1996.

  4. SP 102 Remedial treatment for contaminated land. Vol 11: Decommissioning, decontamination and demolition 1995. (ISBN 0 860 173 976) £52.50 non members / £26.50 members.

  5. SP 103 Remedial treatment for contaminated land. Vol III: Site investigation and assessment 1995. (ISBN 0 860 173 984) £63.00 non members / £31.50 members.

  6. SP 104 Remedial treatment for contaminated land. Vol IV: Classification and selection of remedial methods 1995. (ISBN 0 860 173 992) £52.50 non members / £26.50 members.

  7. SP 105 Remedial treatment for contaminated land. Vol V: Excavation and disposal 1995. (ISBN 0 860 174 00 X) £47.50 non members / £24.00 members.

  8. SP 106 Remedial treatment for contaminated land. Vol Vl: Containment and hydraulic measures 1995. (ISBN 0 860 174 018) £58 00 non members / £29 00 members

  9. SP 107 Remedial treatment for contaminated land. Vol VII: Ex-situ remedial methods for soils, sludges and sediments 1995 (ISBN 0 860 174 026) £63.00 non members / £31.50 members.

  10. SP 108 Remedial treatment for contaminated land. Vol VIII: Ex-situ remedial methods for contaminated groundwater and other liquids 1995. (ISBN 0 860 174 034) £37.00 non members /£18.50 members.

  11. SP 109 Remedial treatment for contaminated land. Vol IX: In-situ methods of remediation 1995. (ISBN 0 860 174 042) £63.00 non members /£31.50 members.

  12. SP 110 Remedial treatment for contaminated land. Vol X: Special situations 1995 (ISBN 0 860 174 050) £52.50 non members / £26.50 members.

  13. SP 111 Remedial treatment for contaminated land. Vol Xl: Planning and management 1995. (ISBN 0 860 174 069) £52.50 non members /£26.50 members.

  14. SP 112 Policy and legislation 1996. (ISBN 0 860 174 017) to be published August / September 1996.

  15. SP 124 Remedial treatment of contaminated land using in-ground barriers, liners and cover systems. To be published August 1996.

  16. Report 132 A guide for safe working practices on contaminated sites. 1996. (ISBN 0 860 174 514) £68 non members / £30 members.


Available from

Construction Industry Research and Information Association,
6 Storey's Gate, Westminster,
London SWIP 3AU
Tel. (0171) 222 8891

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  3. BRE Publications
  4. CIRIA Publications (Methane)
  5. CLR Publications
  6. Contaminated Land Publications
  7. DOE Industry Profiles
  8. Environmental Protection Act 1990
  9. Environment Act 1995
  10. Evaluation of Remedial Treatment
  11. General Publications
  12. HSE Publications
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  14. Landfill Tax 1996
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