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I need information on ? > GIS format for Central London ? > |
Enquirer |
From: "Steve Neville" |
? Request ? . |
Dear Micky, I was looking for any information there is in GIS format for central London. I think a company called Landmark does historical use information but can't find them, any ideas? Kind Regards, Steve Neville |
? 1st response ? . . . |
Dear Steve The company you are looking for is called "Landmark Information Group Ltd". They have a database of OS maps that go back to the 1860's, and produce environmental assessments of areas that may be potentially contaminated. They have the following data products :-
Landmark are based in Exeter, and their contact details are as follows:-
Stuart Pearce
Marketing Manager Landmark Information Group Ltd 7 Abbey Court, Eagle Way Sowton, Exeter EX2 7HY Tel (01392) 441 700 Fax [01392 441 709] www.landmark-information.co.uk The data that Landmark produces is primarily 'Raster' (ie like a photocopy) but there is also 'Vector' data available (ie scaleable). If you want 'Vector'GIS data for the London area, I suggest that you visit the Association for Geographic Information website. cheers Micky |
? 2nd response . . |
Dear Micky ContamiCheck is an environmental risk screening service operated by Environmental Auditors Limited. It holds data concerning :
Environmental Auditors Limited
New Timber, West Sussex, BN6 9BS Tel (01273) 857 500 Fax [01273 857 550] cheers Matthew Greaves |
? 3rd response . . |
Dear Steve There is a third company that sells Environmental GIS data, called Sitescope. They are a bit coy about giving out a phone number, but are currently trying to 'AOL' the world with trial CD's with 15 free reports. My sources tell me that the company is run by two ex-founders of Landmark Information. Their data-sets include Environmental Agency and British Geological Survey information. However whereas Landmark's data is in a standardised format (Menu fixe), Sitescope's is more pick + mix (a la Carte) Their contact details are:- Catalytic Data Ltd cheers Micky |
? 4th response |
Dear Steve And finally there is a company that is planning to fly the whole of the UK at 1:1,000 scale this year, for the Millennium Mapping Company. The air-photography is being done by :-
Wildgoose Publications Ltd
Coalville, LE67 3NR Tel (01530) 835 685 Fax [01530 835 691] They have got photography of London ('Cities Revealed') and supply it on CD with a basic GIS package. cheers Micky |
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