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- Hazardous Waste Site Remediation: The Engineer's Perspective
Robert Bellandi(Editor) / Paperback / £ 60.05
- Industrial Environmental Chemistry: Waste Minimization in Industrial Processes and Remediation of Hazardous Waste
A.E. Martell (Editor), D.T. Sawyer (Editor) / Hardback / £ 85.95
- Innovative Site Remediation Technology Vol 1: Bioremediation
W.C. Anderson (Editor) / Hardback / £ 38.50
- Innovative Site Remediation Technology Vol 2: Chemical Treatment
W.C. Anderson (Editor) / Hardback / £ 38.00
- Innovative Site Remediation Technology Vol 4: Stabilization/solidification
W.C. Anderson (Editor) / Hardback / £ 38.00
- Innovative Site Remediation Technology Vol 5: Solvent/chemical Extraction
W.C. Anderson (Editor) / Hardback / £ 38.00
- Innovative Site Remediation Technology Vol 7: Thermal Destruction
W.C. Anderson (Editor) / Hardback / £ 38.00
- In-Situ Soil Remediation (Soil + Environment, Vol 6)
Almar Otten (Editor) et al / Hardback / £ 50.96
- In-Situ Remediation of Geoenvironment
J.C. Evans (Editor) / Paperback / £ 41.00
- In-Situ Thermal Technologies for Site Remediation
Lawrence A. Smith, Robert E. Hinchee / Hardback / £ 76.00
- In Situ Treatment Technology (Geraghty + Miller Environmental Science and Engineering)
CRC Press / Hardcover / £ 63.44
- Innovations in Ground Water and Soil Cleanup: From Concept to Commercialization
Committee on Innovation Remediation Technologies / Hardback / £ 27.27
- Innovative Engineering Technologies for Hazardous Waste Remediation
Robert Bellandi (Editor) / Paperback / £ 60.05
- Innovative Subsurface Remediation : Field Testing of Physical, Chemical, and Characterization Technologies (ACS Symposium Series, 725)
Mark L. Brusseau (Editor) et al / Hardback / £ 66.73
- Metals and Materials Waste Reduction, Recovery and Remediation
K.C. Liddell (Editor), et al / Hardback / £ 40.00
- Modern Project Management Techniques for the Environmental Remediation Industry
Timothy J. Havranek / Hardback / £ 30.30
- Modular Remediation Testing System (AATDF Monographs)
Thomas Reeves et al / Hardback / £ 39.40
- Monitoring and Remediation Wells: Problem Prevention, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation
Stuart A. Smith / Hardback / £ 54.56
- Natural Attenuation: Cercla, RBCA'S, and the Future of Environmental Remediation
Patrick V. Brady et al / Hardback / £ 42.43
- NAPL Removal Surfactants, Foams, and Microemulsions
Katherine Biddle-Balshaw, et al / Hardcover / £ 60.10
- Practical Design Calculations for Groundwater and Soil Remediation
Jeff Kuo / Hardback / £ 49.74
- Practical Handbook of Soil, Vadose Zone, and Ground Water Contamination: Assessment, Prevention, and Remediation
Russell Boulding, J. Russell Boulding / Hardback / £ 63.66
- Remediation and Management of Degraded Lands
M. H. Wong (Editor) et al / Hardback / £ 42.43
- Remediation of Firing-Range Impact Berms
C. H. Ward, et al / Hardcover / £ 66.78
- Remediation and Management of Degraded River Basins
V.Novotny (Editor), L.Somlyody (Editor) / Hardcover / Published 1995 / £ 142.00
- Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soils: Biological, Physical, and Chemical Processes
Eve Riser-Roberts / Hardback / £ 48.50
- Sequenced Reactive Barriers for Groundwater Remediation
Stephanie Fiorenza / Hardcover / £ 47.00
- Site Investigation, Remediation, and Closure: A Simplified Guide for Environmental and Real Estate Professionals
Arshud Mahmood, Mohammad Estri / Paperback / £ 35.79
- Site Remediation Planning and Management
J. Andy Soesilo, Stephanie R. Wilson / Hardback / £ 42.43
- Soil Engineering: Testing, Design, and Remediation
Fu Hua Chen / Hardback / £ 54.56
- Soil Remediation for the Petroleum Extraction Industry
L. E. Deuel et al / Hardback / £ 51.53
- Soils and Environmental Quality
Gary M. Pierzynski, et al / Hardcover / £ 53.41
- Soils and Groundwater Pollution and Remediation: Asia, Africa, and Oceania
P. M. Huang (Editor) / Hardback / £ 36.37
- Soil Vapor Extraction Using Radio Frequency Heating: Resource Manual and Technology Demonstration
David E. Daniel (Editor), et al / Hardcover / £ 60.10
- Surfactants and Cosolvents for Napl Remediation : A Technology Practices Manual (AATDF Monograph Series)
Donald F. Lowe (Editor) et al / Hardback / £ 42.43
- Turning a Problem into a Resource: Remediation and Waste Management at the Sillamae Site, Estonia
Cheryl K. Rofer, Tonis Kaasik (Editor) / Hardcover / Published 2000 / £ 76.00
- Turning a Problem into a Resource: Remediation and Waste Management at the Sillamae Site, Estonia
Cheryl K. Rofer, Tonis Kaasik (Editor) / Paperback / Published 2000 / £ 40.00
- Using Process Redesign to Improve DoD's Environmental Security Program: Remediation Program Management
Jeffrey A. Drezner, Frank A. Camm / Hardback / £ 9.10
- Worker Protection During Hazardous Waste Remediation
Lori P. Andrews / Paperback / £ 54.56
- Pathogen Detection and Remediation for Safe Eating
Yud-Ren Chen (Editor) / Paperback / £ 44.50
- Pesticide Remediation in Soils and Water
Philip C. Kearney (Editor), Terry Roberts (Editor) / Paperback / £ 85.00
- Practical Techniques for Groundwater and Soil Remediation
Evan K. Nyer / Hardback / £ 68.00
- Remedial Treatment for Contaminated Land: In-situ Methods of Remediation
Mary Harris / Hardback / £ 60.00
- Remediation Engineering
Suthan S. Suthersan / Hardback / £ 55.00
- Remediation Engineering CRCnetBASE 1999
S.S. Suthersan / Unknown Binding / £ 78.95
- Remediation of Contaminated Land
Melanie Brown / Spiral-bound / £ 50.00
- Remediation of Hazardous Waste Contaminated Soils
Donald L. Wise (Editor), Debra J. Trantolo (Editor) / Hardback / £ 144.00
- Remediation of Industrial Sites
R J Watkinson (Editor) / Hardback / £ 40.00
- Remediation of PCB Spills
Mitchell D. Erickson (Editor) / Hardback / £ 76.00
- Remediation of Soil and Groundwater Opportunities in Eastern Europe
E.A McBean (Editor) / Hardback / £ 164.50
- Remediation of Soils Contaminated with Metals
I K Iskander (Editor), D C Adriano (Editor) / Hardback / £ 65.00
- Reuse of Surfactants and Consolvents for NAPL Remediation
Donald F Lowe (Editor) / Hardback / £ 60.00
- Review of Full Scale Treatment Technologies for the Remediation of Contaminated Soil
Ian Martin, R P Bardos / Paperback / £ 35.00
- Sequenced Reactive Barriers for Groundwater Remediation
S. Fiorenza et al / Hardback / £ 48.50
- Soil and Ground Water Remediation
P.M. Huang, K. Iskandar / Hardback / £ 41.50
- Steam Remediation of Contaminated Soils
K. Biddle-Balshaw (Editor) et al / Hardback / £ 52.50
- Surfactant-enhanced Subsurface Remediation
David A. Sabatini (Editor) et al / Hardback / 65.00
- Transport and Remediation of Subsurface Contaminants
David A. Sabatini (Editor), Robert C. Knox (Editor) / Hardback / £ 55.00