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  1. The 5th International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation Vol 2: Management of Low-level Waste and Remediation of Contaminated Sites and Facilities
    American Society of Mechanical Engineers / Hardback / £ 526.00

  2. Advances in Groundwater Pollution Control and Remediation
    Mustafa M. Aral (Editor) / Hardback / £ 210.95

  3. Air Sparging for Site Remediation
    R.E. Hinchee / Paperback / £ 69.00

  4. Applied Biotechnology for Site Remediation
    R.E. Hinchee et al / Hardback / £ 79.00

  5. Assessment and Remediation of Petroleum -Contaminated Sites
    G. Mattney Cole / Hardback / £ 60.00

  6. Barrier Containment Technologies for Environmental Remediation Applications
    A. Bodocsi (Editor) et al / Paperback / £ 51.53

  7. Barrier Technologies for Environmental Management
    National Research Council Committee on Remediation of Buried and Tank Wastes / Paperback / £ 29.95

  8. Biomarkers: a Pragmatic Basis for Remediation of Severe Pollution in Eastern Europe
    David B. Peakall (Editor) / Paperback / £ 49.00

  9. Biomarkers: a Pragmatic Basis for Remediation of Severe Pollution in Eastern Europe
    David B. Peakall (Editor) / Hardback / £ 97.00

  10. Biotechnology for a Clean Environment: Prevention, Detection, Remediation
    OECD / Paperback / £ 48.00

  11. Compendium of Soil Clean-up Technologies and Soil Remediation Companies
    United Nations / Paperback / £ 31.00

  12. Computational Methods in Water Resources XII Vol 1: Computational Methods in Contamination and Remediation of Water Resources
    V.N. Burganos (Editor) et al / Hardback / £ 139.00

  13. Contaminated Sites and Environmental Cleanup: International Approaches to Prevention, Remediation, and Reuse
    G. William Page / Hardback / £ 40.04

  14. Cost-Effective Remediation and Closure of Petroleum-Contaminated Sites
    Douglas C. Downey et al / Hardback / £ 39.43

  15. Design of Remediation Systems
    Jimmy Wong et al / Hardback / £ 42.43

  16. Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets
    Abinash C. Dubey (Editor) / Hardcover / Published 1997 / £ 66.50

  17. Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets III
    Abinash C. Dubey (Editor) / Paperback / Published 1998 / £ 115.50

  18. Dredging, Remediation and Containment of Contaminated Sediments
    Kenneth R Demars (Editor) / Hardback / £ 82.00

  19. Drinking Water and Groundwater Remediation Cost Evaluation
    Robert M. Clark, Jeffrey Q. Adams / Unknown Binding / £ 93.82

  20. Ecotoxicity and Human Health: A Biological Approach to Environmental Remediation
    Frederick J. De Serres (Editor), Arthur D. Bloom (Editor) / Hardback / £ 54.56

  21. Encyclopedia of Environmental Analysis & Remediation 8VST
    Author / Hardcover / £ 1,670.00

  22. Environmental Cleanup at Navy Facilities
    National Research Council Committee on Environmental Remediation at Naval Facilities USA / Paperback / £ 21.95

  23. Environmental Contamination and Remediation Practices at Former and Present Military Bases
    F. Fonnum / Hardback / £ 109.00

  24. Environmental Contamination and Remediation Practices at Former and Present Military Bases
    F. Fonnum / Paperback / £ 50.00

  25. Environmental Monitoring and Remediation Technologies
    Tuan Vo-Dinh (Editor), Robert L. Spellicy (Editor) / Paperback / £ 86.95

  26. The Environmental Pendulum : A Quest for the Truth About Toxic Chemicals, Human Health, and Environmental Protection
    R. Allan Freeze / Hardcover / £ 33.41

  27. Environmental Remediation
    G.F. Vandegrift (Editor) / Hardcover / Published 1992 / £ 52.50

  28. Environmental Remediation Cost Data 2000 : Assemblies
    R.S. Means Company / Hardcover / Published 1997 / £ 90.16

  29. Environmental Remediation Cost Data 2000 : Unit Price
    R.S. Means Company / Paperback / £ 60.10

  30. Environmental Remediation Estimating Methods
    Richard R. Rast / Hardback / £ 54.57

  31. EPA Environmental Engineering Sourcebook
    Russell Boulding (Editor) et al / Hardback / £ 42.43

  32. Evaluation of the U.S Department of Energy's Alternatives for the Removal and Disposition of Molten Salt Reactor Experiment Fluoride Salts
    National Research Council / Paperback / Published 1997 / £ 23.95

  33. Fundamentals of Hazardous Waste Site Remediation
    Kathleen Sellers / Lewis Publishing Hardback / £ 42.43

  34. Fundamentals of Site Remediation : For Metal-And Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soils
    John Pichtel / Paperback / £ 46.10

  35. Geo-environmental Engineering - Contaminated Ground: Fate of Pollutants and Remediation
    British Geotechnical Society / Hardback / £ 80.00

  36. Groundwater Contamination: Transport and Remediation
    Philip B. Bedient, et al / Textbook Binding / £ 59.46

  37. Groundwater Contamination: Transport and Remediation
    Philip B. Bedient et al / Hardback / £ 53.99

  38. Groundwater and Subsurface Remediation
    H. Kobus (Editor) et al / Hardback / £ 65.00

  39. Series of Proceedings and Reports: Groundwater Quality - Remediation and Protection
    Mike Herbert (Editor), Karel Kovar (Editor) / Paperback / Published 1997 / £ 75.00

  40. Series of Proceedings and Reports: Groundwater Quality: Remediation and Protection - Proceedings of the GQ'95 Conference
    J. Krasny (Editor) / Paperback / £ 52.00

  41. Groundwater Remediation
    Technomic Publishing / Hardcover / £ 77.00

  42. Groundwater Remediation and Petroleum
    David C. Noonan, James T. Curtis / Hardback £ 80.00

  43. Guidelines for Investigation and Remediation of Petroleum Retail Sites
    The Institute of Petroleum / Unknown Binding / £ 60.00

  44. Handbook on Liquefaction Remediation of Reclaimed Land
    Port and Harbour Research Institute / Hardback £ 60.00

  45. Hazardous Waste Remediation
    H.M. Freeman (Editor), E.F. Harris (Editor) / Unknown Binding / £ 62.00

  46. Hazardous Waste Site Remediation
    D. Grasso / Hardback / £ 60.00

  47. Hazardous Waste Site Remediation Management
    Water Pollution Control Federation / Unknown Binding / £ 19.46

  48. Hazardous Waste Site Remediation
    Grasso / Paperback / £ 6.00

  49. Hazardous Waste Site Soil Remediation
    D.J. Wilson (Editor) et al / Hardback / £ 119.40

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