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Contaminated Land Exposure Assessment (CLEA)

Keywords :-Contaminated Land Exposure Assessment (CLEA).

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CLEA publications - Overview
CLEA publications - Contaminants
CLEA publications - Guidelines
CLEA publications - Model procedures

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The DETR is in the process of preparing a new set of guideline values, whose main purpose is to establish whether a site poses actual or potential risks to human health, in the context of the existing or intended usage of the site.

If contaminant concentration is below the guideline value, then the site is considered safe. Conversely if values are higher than the appropriate gudeline, then further site investigation will be required.

The advantages of CLEA derived guidelines are

  • they are based on risk assessment
  • they specifically provide for uncertainty
  • they provide an objective basis for decision making

The first set of guideline values will cover: Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Cyanide, inorganic Lead, inorganic Mercury, Nickel, Phenol, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH), Selenium. Reports are also being prepared on other substances as well.


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The work on developing the CLEA exposure model was initially being carried out by Nottingham Trent University, however when the Land Quality Management team were hired on-mass by Nottingham University (and you only thought it was 'hot-shots' in the City who were poached!), which is where the work continues.

and Dr Colin Ferguson are the key figures involved in developing the model, which uses a variety of Monte Carlo simulations in order to examine the various different pathways by which humans become exposed to soil contaminants.


CLEA publications - Overview

  1. CLR 7Overview of DETR reports on the assessment of contaminated land
  2. CLR 8Potential contaminants for the assessment of land


CLEA publications - Contaminants




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  1. CLR 9 TOX Contaminants in soils: Consolidated main report
  2. CLR 9 TOX 1 Contaminants in soils: Arsenic
  3. CLR 9 TOX 2 Contaminants in soils: Cadmium
  4. CLR 9 TOX 3 Contaminants in soils: Chromium
  5. CLR 9 TOX 4 Contaminants in soils: Cyanide
  6. CLR 9 TOX 5 Contaminants in soils: inorganic Lead
  7. CLR 9 TOX 6 Contaminants in soils: inorganic Mercury
  8. CLR 9 TOX 7 Contaminants in soils: Nickel
  9. CLR 9 TOX 8 Contaminants in soils: Phenol
  10. CLR 9 TOX 9 Contaminants in soils: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
  11. CLR 9 TOX 10 Contaminants in soils: Selenium


CLEA publications - Guidelines




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  1. CLR 10 The CLEA model: Technical basis and algorithms
  2. CLR 10 GV 1 Guideline values for Arsenic contamination in soil
  3. CLR 10 GV 2 Guideline values for Cadmium contamination in soil
  4. CLR 10 GV 3 Guideline values for Chromium contamination in soil
  5. CLR 10 GV 4 Guideline values for Cyanide contamination in soil
  6. CLR 10 GV 5 Guideline values for inorganic Lead contamination in soil
  7. CLR 10 GV 6 Guideline values for inorganic Mercury contamination in soil
  8. CLR 10 GV 7 Guideline values for Nickel contamination in soil
  9. CLR 10 GV 8 Guideline values for Phenol contamination in soil
  10. CLR 10 GV 9 Guideline values for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons contamination in soil expressed as benzo(a)pyrene toxic equivalent concentrations
  11. CLR 10 GV 10 Guideline values for Selenium contamination in soil


CLEA publications - Model procedures

  1. CLR 11 Model procedures for the management of contaminated land: introduction and overview
  2. CLR 11 MP 1 Model procedures: risk assessment
  3. CLR 11 MP 2 Model procedures: evaluation and selection of remedial measures
  4. CLR 11 MP 3 Model procedures: implementation of risk management actions

Links for this Topic

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  1. Risk Assessment

Cousin links

  1. CLEA - when will it happen?
  2. Land Quality Management - University of Nottingham
  3. CLR Publications

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URL: http://www.ContaminatedLAND.co.uk/risk-ass/clea-mod.htm
[Page created: 11th Nov 65, Last Update: 17th June 99]
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